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它还能帮助寻找太阳系以外的行星。It will also help with the search for extrasolar planets.

1992年,科学家发现了第一颗太阳系之外的行星。Scientists first discovered an extrasolar planet in 1992.

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都卜勒效应通常用于探索太阳系外行星。The Doppler effect is used to discover extrasolar planets.

这一发现可能会开创系外行星研究新标向。The finding might chart a new course for extrasolar planet research.

直至2007年,在这颗脉冲星周围轨道上已有三颗系外行星被确认。As of 2007, three extrasolar planets have been confirmed in orbit around this pulsar.

一个能够支持液态水的太阳系外行星9月份终于出现。An extrasolar planet that could support liquid water finally showed itself in September.

这些发现使已知的太阳系外行星或系外行星总数量增至645个。The discoveries bring the total number of known extrasolar planets, or exoplanets, to 645.

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艺术家想象中的系外行星HD189733b,现在了解到,存在甲烷和水。Artist's impression of the extrasolar planet HD 189733b, now known to have methane and water.

这些太阳系外行星,或外星球大部分是通过两种不同的策略发现的。Most of these extrasolar planets, or exoplanets, have been found using two different strategies.

外太阳系行星GJ1214b是一颗约有40光年远的由岩石组成的多水行星。The extrasolar planet GJ 1214b is a rocky planet rich in water that sits about 40 light-years away.

到目前为止,我们仅仅获得了少数几个太阳系外行星的直接照片。So far, only a handful of extrasolar planets, or exoplanets, have had their pictures taken directly.

目前NASA正计画由探测船观察凌日来寻找太阳系外行星。Now NASA is planning to use a spacecraft to find other extrasolar planets by observing their transits.

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这项研究将来也许可以为天文学家搭建用以选择太阳系外适合生存的行星的望远镜提供帮助。The study may help astronomers build telescopes to pick out life-friendly extrasolar planets in the future.

所以,在过去的***里我们所汇集到的美丽的太阳系外行星资料受观测所限是很恍惚的。So, the data we've collected on extrasolar planets over the last two decades is muddied by observation bias.

根据莎塞洛夫研究判断,在目前所发现的270颗太阳系外行星中,很有可能存在一颗有生命迹象的星球。Among the 270 extrasolar planets discovered so far, there is probably one living world, according to Sasselov.

开普勒号发现了1235个在天鹅座,太阳系以外的星座,但是他们都属于银河系。Kepler's scans have found 1, 235 extrasolar planets in the Cygnus constellation of our own galaxy, the Milky Way.

天文学家用“哈勃”望远镜探测到甲烷——第一次在系外行星上发现的有机分子。Astronomers used the Hubble Space Telescope to detect methane -- the first organic molecule found on an extrasolar planet.

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然而,巴恩斯所作的模拟预测出处于可居住区边缘的系外行星更为可怕的后果。Barnes’ simulations predicted more-dire consequences for extrasolar planets near the edge of their habitable zones, though.

这颗太阳系之外的行星或称为太阳系外行星,编号为GJ12411b,是去年发现的,她绕着一颗距地球约40光年的暗红色恒星运行。The extrasolar planet, or exoplanet, GJ 1214b was discovered last year orbiting a dim, red star about 40 light-years from Earth.

针对系外行星系统的最新模拟可能意味着“可居住”行星的定义需彻底颠覆。New simulations of extrasolar planetary systems may mean the definition of “habitable” planets needs to be completely overhauled.