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他是一个典型的封建时代的忠君爱国人物。He is a typical loyalist patriot of feudal times.

扎卡菲拥护者使用坦克和火箭重火力压倒了反对者。Loyalist forces using tanks and rockets outgunned the rebel groups.

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她是科洛桑之外最伟大的忠诚者之一。She was one of the greatest Loyalist proponents outside of Coruscant.

你是否也是混合使用不同品牌的产品,或者你是品牌忠实者?Do you mix and match products from different lines or are you a brand loyalist?

一个卡扎菲的拥护者出现时依然活着,右手被砍的血流如注。One Gadhafi loyalist appeared to be still alive, his right hand a bloody stump.

在这个遭瘟的反叛城市里能找到另一个真心实意忠于王室的义士,我很高兴。I'm glad to find another true-hearted loyalist in this pestilent, rebellious city.

在银河共和国末期,莫思马是一位很有影响力的忠诚者议员。Mothma was an influential loyalist Senator in the final days of the Galactic Republic.

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尽管现在已和苹果公司毫无瓜葛,他仍然是一个苹果迷,时刻关注苹果产品。Though no longer connected to the company, he remains a product loyalist and observer.

张思童是中国东北地区抚顺市的一名推销员,他曾是三星的忠实用户。Mr. Zhang, a salesman in the city of Fushun, in northeastern China, was a Samsung loyalist.

当前的希望看起来是穆巴拉克的忠臣,不久之前才获得副总统任命的情报部长欧玛尔·苏莱曼。The current hope appears to be Mubarak loyalist Gen. Omar Suleiman, just named Egypt’s vice president.

零散的战斗仍在少数地方继续,同时反对独立者势力也在城市南边的郊区不断突进。Random fighting continued in pockets, with loyalist forces dug in around the city's southern outskirts.

但是,吴庭艳的真正目的是为了给忠于自己的军队争取足够的时间进入首都解救自己。However, the president's real aim was to buy time for loyalist forces to enter the capital and relieve him.

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现在一报还一报的时候到了,被困城市换成了卡扎菲的老家苏尔特,这里是卡扎菲忠实者最大的残余据点。Now, it is payback time here in Sirte, the strongman's hometown and the biggest remaining loyalist holdout.

作为忠诚者委员会的成员,罗尼特·库尔议员是共和国建军议案的支持者。A member of the Loyalist Committee, Senator Ronet Coorr was a supporter of the proposed Republic military initiative.

他们被上帝之子和其他,一本正经忠于上帝的天使们羞辱,他们备受羞辱,痛不欲生。They've been humiliated by the Son of God and the other priggish loyalist angels so they are pained, utterly humiliated.

他坚持说自己是因为牵连犯罪而被判有罪的,他只不过是一名阿拉伯民族主义忠诚分子。He claims he is being convicted because of guilt by association, and that he is nothing other than an Arab nationalist loyalist.

联合党领导者开设论坛讨论悬挂国旗和其它保皇派埋怨的问题,但是反对者不愿意配合。Unionist leaders have set up a forum to talk about flags and other loyalist complaints, but the protesters are not co-operating.

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目前执政的国大党拒绝了他想连任五年的要求,政论家说该党只想提名对自己忠诚的人。His bid for a second five-year term was rejected by the ruling Congress party which, political analysts say, wanted a party loyalist.

二战期间,日本人占领中国所有的沿海地区之后,抗日力量把首府迁至避难所继续与日军对抗。In World War II, when Japan occupied all of coastal China, loyalist forces relocated their capital to the Refuge to carry on the fight.

由于害怕自己的卫星电话被跟踪,指挥部队的穆塔希姆与他父亲走了不同的路线。Muatassim, who commanded the loyalist forces, traveled separately from his father, fearing that his own satellite phone was being tracked.