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唯有出生于自由民的男性方可参加奥运会比赛。Only freeborn male citizens could take part in the Olympic Games.

我们是生而自由的英国人或者美国被遗忘的人们。Us is the freeborn Brit or the forgotten men and women of America.

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但是,那些曾经是奴隶的家庭与在自由制度下出生的黑人家庭相比,双亲家庭似乎更多。However, those ex-slave families were more likely than freeborn blacks to be two-parent families.

她们是提供给自由出身的有足够家产能参与投票的瓦兰提斯人的。河西岸的少数投票者。They're for freeborn Volantenes with enough property to vote. Precious few voters west of the river.

这辈子,直到死,我最大的骄傲一直都会是,我是自由人约翰·利尔本的妻子。Until the last of my days, my proudest boast will ever be that I was the wife of Freeborn John Lilburne.

他们所真正担心的是大量常备军,可能最终会危及到"生而自由"的英国人的权利There is this real fear that large standing armies could ultimately compromise the rights of freeborn Englishmen.

他们共同生活,在同样的环境中成长,直到主人家的孩子因年岁而显示出区别,因功绩而受认可。Both live amid the same flocks and lie on the same ground till the freeborn are distinguished by age and recognized by merit.

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斯图亚特·弗里伯恩及其团队制作了嘴和触须,再用液压系统实现触手的移动。Stuart Freeborn and his crew built the mouth and tentacles, complete with a hydraulic system that would move the grasping tentacles around.

当时他们自称为"生而自由的英格兰人",这一称呼就意味着,国王必须尊重议会权力And, so, the idea of the freeborn Englishperson, Englishman is what they would have said in those days, meant that rights of parliament had to be respected.

当时他们自称为“生而自由的英格兰人”,这一称呼就意味着,国王必须尊重议会权力。And, so, the idea of the freeborn Englishperson, Englishman is what they would have said in those days, meant that rights of parliament had to be respected.