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债务人可以向受让人主张抵销。The obligor May avail itself of any set-off against the assignee.

但是,让与人可能因而向债务人承担违约义务。However, the assignor may be liable to the obligor for breach of contract.

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第八十三条债务人接到债权转让通知时,债务人对让与人享有债权,并且债务。Upon receipt of the notice of assignment of the obligee's right, the obligor may, in.

在收到该通知后,债务人只有通过向受让人了债才干解除债务。After the obligor receives such a notice, it is discharged only by paying the assignee.

其余情况下,原债务人和新债务人承担连带责任。Otherwise the original obligor and the new obligor are collectively and bisectally liable.

一项权利仅凭让与人和受让人之间的协议即可转让,而毋庸通知债务人。A right is assigned by simple agreement between the assignor and the assignee, after notice to the obligor.

债务人可以其反抗让与人的所有抗辩权,抗衡受让人。The obligor may assert against the assignee all defences that the obligor could assert against the assignor.

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安全保障义务人承担责任后,可以向第三人追偿。The obligor for security guaranty may, after bearing the liabilities, claim compensation from the third person.

如经检验不合格,负责该不合格酒品之销毁或复运出口等事宜。If not pass inspection, the obligor of the application shall be responsible to destroy or re-export such alcohol.

为了避免债务人承担过多的风险,在受让人进行通知时应当赋予债务人提存的权利。To avoid the overmuch risks obligor bears, obligor should have the right of drawing in the event of notice by assignee.

对于非财产性权利和专属于债务人本人的权利,不得由债权人代位行使。For the property rights and exclusively personal to the obligor oneself rights and shall not by the creditor subrogation.

因权利转让产生的任何额定本钱,债务人有权请求让与人或受让人给予弥补。The obligor has a right to be atoned by the assignor or the assignee for any additional costs acquired by the assignment.

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新债务人不能够向债权人主张原债务人可以向债权人主张的抵销权。The new obligor may not exercise against the obligee any right of set-off available to the original obligor against the obligee.

乙方应承担其作为相关税收法律法规项下纳税人而发生的所有法定纳税义务。Party B shall bear all statutory tax obligations arising from its status as a tax obligor under relevant tax laws and regulations.

清算义务人的侵权责任具有实现特定司法政策的功能,处于辅助性的地位。Being in an affiliating status, tortious liability of liquidation obligor can serve a function to realize specific judicial policy.

在收到让与人或受让人发出的转让通知以前,债务人可通过向让与人清偿来解除。Until the obligor accepts a notice of the assignment from either the assignor or the assignee, it is absolved by paying the assignor.

让与的债权不存在或者债务人解除合同时,债务人通常只能够向债权出让人请求返还。Normally, obligor can restitute only from the assignor if the creditor's right assigned doesn't exist or obligor revokes the contract.

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第三条凡拥有和使用机动车的单位和个人应当依法缴纳养路费。拥有和使用机动车的单位和个人为缴费义务人。Article 3 Any unit or individual that owns or uses a vehicle must pay HMT by law. And any such individual or unit is the payment obligor.

自债务人的行为发生之日起五年内没有行使撤销权的,该撤销权消灭。Such cancellation right is extinguished if not exercised within five years , commencing on the date of occurrence of the obligor ' s act.

第八十二条债务人接到债权转让的通知后,债务人对让与人的抗辩,可以向受让人主张。After the obligor receives the notification of transfer of the obligee's right, the obligor may claim its demur against the assignor to the assignee.