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以前我曾在一专用剧场担任保留剧目的舞台总监。I once stage-managed a repertory theatre.

她在一个轮演剧目剧团里上演三年。She acted with a repertory company for three years.

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该保留剧目轮演剧团重演30年以前的戏剧。The repertory company revived plays from 30 years ago.

离开戏剧学校之后,我就加入了一个保留剧目轮演剧团。After leaving drama school I joined a repertory company.

他们天真烂漫地唱着成套的下流歌曲。There they innocently sing their repertory of dirty songs.

建于1912左右的Dixie剧院拥有着一支剧团,在暑期轮演剧目。The circa-1912 Dixie Theatre hosts a summer repertory group.

他把鸣禽的节目和车间的节目组合起来。He combined the repertory of the birds with the repertory of the workshops.

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乐队的保留剧目包括进行曲和其他形式的音乐。The repertory of a concert band includes marches, and other forms of music.

毕业后,她在音乐剧场,汇编,和电视。After her graduation, she worked in musical theater, repertory , and television.

崔曾任香港话剧团财务及行政经理。He was the Finance and Administration Manager of the Hong Kong Repertory Theatre Limited.

事实上,这一诗歌的宝库是根据各地方言略有不同的。In fact, the poetic repertory often draws on dialects from different parts of the country.

“他宠爱儿子,”斯潘塞在剧目剧院认识的女演员罗琳•法特说。‘He adored his son, ’ said Lorraine Foat, an actress from Spencer’s days in repertory theatre.

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承担汶川县救灾物资储备和转运工作,安全疏散师生员工。To act as materials repertory and transfer center of Wenchuan County, evacuating safely the college.

这种现象的主要原因在于国内在战略变革的定义与测量方法论上储备不足。The authors contend that reason lies in absence of the definition and measurement methodology repertory.

格立高圣歌是由音乐剧组成的在罗马天主教会礼拜用的圣歌。Gregorian Chant is a musical repertory made up of chants used in the liturgical services of the Roman Catholic Church.

牛鞭效应形成的原因主要有需求预测、库存管理、批量定货、交货周期、价格波动等。The causes of bullwhip effect include demand forecast, repertory management, batch order, delivery cycle, price wave, etc.

上海话剧艺术中心建于1995年,是由原上海人民艺术剧院和上海青年话剧团合并而成。Shanghai Dramatic Arts Centre merged with Shanghai People's Art Theatre and Shanghai Youth Repertory Theatre built in 1995.

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木花剧团于1984年由韩国著名剧作家、导演吴泰锡等人创立。Mokhwa Repertory Company was founded in 1984 by the well-known Korean playwright and director Oh Tae'-sok and so on. who founded.

歌词以也门方言和考究的阿拉伯语写成,充满了优雅的词藻和深切的情感。The poetic repertory , written in Yemeni dialect and classic Arabic, abounds in elegant wordplay and often expresses profound emotion.

并为积极推进国家粮食专项储备制度的市场化改革提出了具体对策。At the end, this paper put forward that the state specialties repertory institution should be reformed and some measures are put forward.