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你知道我怕痒。You know I'm ticklish.

我的脚很怕痒。My feet are very ticklish.

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我膝盖弯儿怕痒痒。I'm ticklish behind the knees.

这提出了一个棘手的礼节问题。This presented a ticklish etiquette problem.

你有没有想过人为什么会怕痒?Have you ever thought about why people are ticklish?

而且我一翻身,他准跟着翻。你能想象你有时觉得腰部怕痒?Can u imagine that u sometimes feel ticklish on your waist part?

我们只会在察觉受到侵犯或攻击时才会觉得痒。We only feel ticklish if we detect a sense of invasion or attack.

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我让他们不停地问,我教他们提出更难以启齿的问题。I let them fire away. I taught them to ask still more ticklish questions.

结果他的反应比我想象的大得多,一脚踢在我鼻子上。Apparently, he was more ticklish than I thought, and kicked me in the nose.

刷马使马习惯于被控制并帮助马在一些他怕痒的地方脱敏。It accustoms a horse to being handled and helps to desensitize ticklish areas.

而男人的大腿和胸部是相似的,有为数不少的男人是怕痒的。And the man's ham and bosom are likeness, having the man with not little amount to is ticklish.

然后全班同学一起来胳肢我,直到我惨叫着哭喊着差点尿了裤子为止。Are you ticklish?" My entire class tickled me until I screamed, cried and nearly wet my pants."

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军事改革则要求政府在关闭哪些军事设施方面做出政治上颇为棘手的选择。Military reform will require politically ticklish choices about which installations to shut down.

戳他或者是用手指挠他痒痒然后轻轻地逗她。You can do this by poking her or running your fingers on her ticklish spots and gently teasing her.

大家对于雷斯脱自然都要暂时置之不理,于是雷斯脱觉得自己已经遇着一种非常难处的局面了。They were all rather unfriendly to Lester at present, and he realised that he was facing a ticklish situation.

怕痒是我们对侵扰者或威胁产生的内在反应,它使触觉和痛觉结合起来了。Feeling ticklish is our built-in response to predators or threats, and combines the sensations of touch and pain.

举例来说,我们说话时不会察觉声带的振动,但是如有人触摸我们的肩膀时,我们可能会吓一跳。Strangely enough, even if a person knows that they are about to be tickled, the fear of being touched may cause the same "ticklish" reaction.

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采用任何击打抚摸类型都可以享受这种指法——轻轻擦抚你的阴蒂头,那难以忍痒的感受更集中,就在那最后的巅峰。Enjoy this technique using any of the stroking styles while lightly rubbing the head of your clitoris for a more focused or "ticklish" feeling.

更有意思的是,这些喜欢痒痒的老鼠,经过4代之后,发出吱吱声的比率竟可达到它们的曾祖父母的2倍。More interesting, when these ticklish rats were interbred for four generations, the offspring chirped twice as often as their great-grandparents.

此外在邀请函上通常注明“以及嘉宾”之类的话,目的是为了避开谁和谁仍是伴侣以及配偶如何称呼等敏感问题。Now, the reason the invitation said "and guest" was to avoid the ticklish issue of who is still married to whom and what the spouse calls itself.