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让理发师把你的头发完全吹干。Have the stylist dry your hair completely.

瑞秋·佐伊因其作为造型师的出色才能而出名。Zoe is famous for her facility as a stylist.

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发型设计师是为人们设计并剪发的人。A hair stylist cuts and styles people's hair.

娄概括最终歌师。Lou has epitomized the ultimate song stylist.

选择一个有经验的理发店或好的造型师很重要。Finding a skilled barber or stylist is essential.

时尚杂志的造型师享有一些独一无二的权力。A stylist at a fashion magazine can have some unique rights.

上网搜索你所在地区的发型师点评。Use a website to search for hair stylist reviews in your area.

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安立奎金是拥有双重国籍的超厉害游戏设计师。Anlikuijin is have dual nationality exceed fierce game stylist.

兴世达装饰设计师选定了简约主义风格。Xing Shida decorates stylist make choice of contracted creed style.

您的发型师是否因为洗发露的PH值而建议您更换洗发露?Has your stylist ever told you to change shampoos because of the pH?

美女越多的地方,时装设计师越兴奋。The belle jumps over much place, fashionable dress stylist is gladder.

“不要弄得太复杂,”她的造型师德博拉·韦克宁说。"Not trying too hard, " says the 20-year-old's stylist Deborah Waknin.

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一名设计师要完成这些图纸,至少需要20个工作日的时间。A stylist should finish these blueprint, need 20 workaday time at least.

于是,设计师确定了“纯美,如歌的行板”的设计主题。Then, stylist decided " pure beauty, cantabile andante " design a theme.

请你的发型师把刘海调整到一边儿。Ask your stylist to make the corner edge of your bangs rounded on one side.

发型设计师对顾客头发喷点水打湿,然后动手梳理。The hair stylist sprays the customer's hair to wet it, and starts combing it.

“凯特的著装的确凸显出了她的曲线,”她的造型师弗雷迪·雷巴说。“Kate dresses to really show off her curves,” her stylist Freddie Leiba says.

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设计师瑞秋·佐伊据说拿了六倍的薪酬为安妮·海瑟薇设计裙子。Stylist Rachel Zoe is allegedly being paid six figures to dress Anne Hathaway.

今天我去理发店剪发。Today, I got a haircut, and after thanking the stylist I went up front to pay.

你知道事情之前,大多数人都知道他们,”吉布森说尔西,设计师。You know things before most people know them, " said Chelsey Gibson, stylist."