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选票名的数组。an array of ballot names.

选举没有救世主。No saviours are on the ballot.

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你在这场选拔中是否占有占有一席之位?Did you get a place in the ballot?

他已经将投票结果记录下来了。He has tallied the result of the ballot.

他说,还有一些选民故意损坏了自己的选票。Others, he said, defaced their ballot papers.

扎尔达里通过赢得间接的选举从而取代了他的位子。Mr Zardari won an indirect ballot to replace him.

则选举主任可点算该选票。The returning officer may count that ballot paper.

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阿富汗实用骑驴托运选票箱。Afghans use donkeys to carry election ballot boxes.

他暗示说,他毁掉了自己的选票。He suggested that perhaps he had defaced his ballot.

不要填错位子,使得你的选票作废。Don't spoil your ballot by writing in the wrong place.

在第三十八轮投票中,帕尔默放弃他对代表的控制。Palmer released his delegates on the thirty-eighth ballot.

因邮局无法递送,缺席或邮寄选票被退回。The return of an ongoing absentee ballot as undeliverable.

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他们立假后选人纠集选票以分裂选票。They packed the ballot with dummy candidates to split the vote.

投票结束后,一些投票箱被填满而另一些被盗。After the vote some ballot boxes were stuffed and others stolen.

等一下,这意味着有人没有把他们的票投给科比。Wait a minute, that means someone left Kobe off of their ballot.

代理投票或缺席投票均不容许。C9.05 Voting by proxy or by absentee ballot shall not be permitted.

本会相关提案及临时动议之表决,得以无记名投票或举手方式行之。Extemporary resolutions can be voted on by ballot or show of hands.

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没有这样的计划,自民党将继续遭遇选举挫折。Without one, the LDP will continue to get pummeled at the ballot box.

这样,对于主要的投票CGI程序,耦合性就是最小的。In this way there was minimal coupling to the main ballot CGI program.

乌干达坎帕拉,一名妇女正在把折过的选票投入选票箱中。A woman folds her ballot paper at a polling station in Kampala, Uganda.