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纯洁的信仰被不幸地抛弃。And purest faith unhappily forsworn.

我像往常一样不高兴地坐在书桌旁。I sat at my desk unhappily as usual.

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尽管她的婚姻很不幸,但是她不愿意离婚Though unhappily married, she dreaded divorce.

小男孩不高兴地坐在大扶手椅上。The little boy sat unhappily in the big armchair.

举个例子,一名年轻男子不幸被单身却可以持有很好的理由。Take for instance, a young man unhappily single with good reason.

她和第一任丈夫乔治·鲍登的婚姻也很不幸。She was also unhappily married to her first husband, George Bowden.

有时因为这幸福不幸地结束幸福的记忆无法保持忠诚。Sometimes the memory of happiness cannot stay true because it ended unhappily.

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婚姻不幸的妇女仍旧到翁布里亚向加西亚的圣里达朝拜。Unhappily married women still make pilgrimages to Santa Rita of Cascia in Umbria.

所以,那些人确实是为了食物而工作,只是不幸的是没有营养的食物。So those living hand to mouth do indeed work for food, but unhappily just not nutritious food.

父亲死后,艾拉只能在继母和刻薄的两姐妹的排挤下痛苦生活。After the death of her father, Ella lived unhappily with her step- mother and cruel stepsisters.

对于拥有不倾听丈夫的已婚女性来说这不少见。This is no longer common with just unhappily married female spouses with non-listening husbands.

一天晚上,当我不开心地渐渐入睡时,一想到这些,我就猛地从床上坐了起来!When I realized this, one night as I drifted unhappily to sleep, it jerked me straight up in my bed!

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他成为必然与命运,而且如此过生活,快乐或不快乐都是命。It becomes necessity and fate, and is lived through as such, happily or unhappily as the case may be.

一个神色紧张的纳税人正闷闷不乐地与前来查帐的税务审计员交谈着。A nervous taxpayer was unhappily conversing with the IRS Tax auditor who had come to review his records.

一个神色紧张的纳税人正闷闷不乐地和前来查帐的国税局的税务审计员交谈。A nervous taxpayer was unhappily conversing with the IRS Tax auditor who had come to review his records.

首先,如果对方正打算备孕,或者不愉快地没有孩子,然后宝宝的呕吐实际上是一件显示胜利的壮举呀。For one, if someone is trying to conceive, or is unhappily child-free, then baby puke would actually be a triumph.

保罗厌烦地对刊登着照片的传略皱着眉头,说他基本赞成她的看法。Paul, who was frowning unhappily at the photograph that accompanied the profile, said that he agreed with her—mostly.

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维尔贝克只是尝试打进一个漂亮的倒钩,令他不爽的是,弗里德尔将球牢牢控制住。Welbeck just attempted to deliver it with an excellent overhead kick, which, unhappily for him, was straight at Friedel.

一个神色紧张的纳税人正闷闷不乐地和前来查帐的国税局的税务审计员交谈。Do you pay taxes?A nervous taxpayer was unhappily conversing with the IRS Tax auditor who had come to review his records.

婚姻不幸的安娜在从圣彼得堡坐车到莫斯科,列车下来的那一刻,邂逅了迷人的渥伦斯基伯爵。Unhappily married Anna first encounters the charismatic Count Vronsky as she steps off a train from St. Petersburg to Moscow.