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他感到有粒子弹击中了他的小腿。He felt a bullet hit his shank.

注射成型调整的TPU柄。Injection-molded tuned TPU shank.

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三分之二长度的钢支撑柄。Two-third length steel support shank.

月痕澹欲无,斗柄低半没。Yuehen Dan For free, low shank half did not.

浇带一个支持性的金属柄的PU中底。Poured PU midsole with a supportive metal shank.

同时测量大腿、小腿的周长。Shank and thigh circumferences were also measured.

今年,就用羊小腿来做你的复活节羊肉吧!This year, think shank when you think Easter lamb.

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我不会推卸这一责任,我欢迎这一责任。I do not shank from this responsibility--I welcome it.

柄舌通常是在涿渐尖细的柄工具上找到的。The tang is usually found only on tapered shank tools.

尼龙柄在EVA中底,提供强度和稳定性。Nylon shank in the EVA midsole provides strength and stability.

最后将焗好的牛膝放于意大利饭上,趁热上桌。Put the veal shank on the risotto and add the sauce. Serve hot.

然后把背后的翅膀一裹,前后小腿钩。Then place one wrap behind the wings and around the hook shank.

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腿骨折后怎么可以使腿好的更快?。What how can after is shank folded, you make a leg good is faster?

鞋芯垫片是控制鞋底弹性的加强部件。The shank is a stiffener that controls the flexibility of the sole.

钢柄增加足弓的支持和侧向稳定性。Steel shank provides increased midfoot support and lateral stability.

精确柄部尺寸可配用进口、国产打磨机。The precision size of shank can match with imported and home polishers.

相似的冲头不能有同样的球锁座及柄部直径。Like punches will not have standard ball lock locations and shank diameters.

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球员现在能根据情况扭球,转球,削球。Players can now curve , shank and slice the ball depending on the situation.

硬塑料柄确保额外的足弓支持和横向稳定性。Rigid plastic shank ensures additional midfoot support and lateral stability.

有直柄钻头和螺纹柄钻头之分,螺纹柄分为内螺纹和外螺纹。The core bit includes shank and thread , which consists of male thread and female thread.