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这是加州大学欧文分校生物科学院的网站。This is a full-time position in Irvine , California.

只有奥德尔与欧文身体状况尚好,可以陪同他。Only Odell and Irvine were in a fit state to partner him.

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本学季于尔湾校区开设现代敬拜课程。This quarter opens "Modern Worship" class at the Irvine branch.

在加利福尼亚大学的尔湾校区,大学生们步行前去上课。Students walk to classes on the University of California at Irvine campus.

索普女士在加利福吉亚大学欧文分校的加氢站加氢。Thorp fills up at a hydrogen station on the campus of the University at Irvine.

发现头发护理中心附近的埃尔温在宾夕法尼亚州的本地商户列表。Found near the center of Hair Care in Irvine Pennsylvania local business listings.

代号为“保温板”,这是写的索纳塔在现代的设计工作室在加州。Codenamed "YF, " this Sonata was penned at Hyundai's design studio in Irvine , California.

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索普女士在加利福吉亚大学欧文分校的加氢站加氢。Ms. Thorp fills up at a hydrogen station on the campus of the University of California at Irvine.

或者至少这是他们去年在加利福尼亚大学尔湾分校对研究员说的。Or at least that is what they told researchers last year at the University of California, Irvine.

欧文将两个小指放到口中壮色添声地发出了一声刺耳的口哨声。Irvine thrust between his lips the little finger of each hand and lent to her efforts a shrill whistling.

加州尔湾警局,美国红十字会,尔湾谷学院Information provided courtesy of the Irvine Police Department, American Red Cross and Irvine Valley College.

在这次研究中,Baram及他的同事还发现了一个新细节,而压力正是通过这个途径来产生副作用的。In their study, Baram and her UC Irvine colleagues identified a novel process by which stress caused these effects.

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在紧靠着陡峭的北坡的雪坡上,他先看到马罗里,然后看见欧文到了一块宽阔的岩石阶上。On a snow slope, clinging to the steep North Face, he noticed, first Mallory, then Irvine approach a broad rock step.

1988年,马克从一个朋友手里用低价租下三层公寓,从此移居加利福尼亚。So in 1988, when a friend offered a three-bedroom condo in Irvine at a modest rent, the Landaus migrated to California.

既然这样,尽管他是埃尔文加利福尼亚大学的物理教授身份发言。In this case, though, he's speaking in his capacity as a professor of physics at the University of California at Irvine.

我用通勤之间尔湾分校圣荷西每周或每两周一次,以西南,华北距离略少,无论如何。I used to commute between Irvine and San Jose weekly or bi-weekly by taking Southwest, the distance is slightly less anyway.

余四爷拥有加州大学欧文分校经济、政治双学位,专注游说。Yusiye holds a BA in Economics & a BA in Political Science from University of California, Irvine. He works for an NGO in US.

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益网科技股份有限公司于1996年在美国加州创立,主要致力于提供以太网产品专门商品领域的设计和生产。EtherWAN Systems, founded in 1996 in Irvine CA, has become a leader in Ethernet connectivity for applications in various markets.

乔治·马罗礼与安德鲁·欧文于1924年6月8日从六号营地出发,试图成为首次登上珠峰的人。George Mallory and Andrew Irvine had set out from Camp VI on 8 June 1924, attempting to become the first men to set foot on the summit.

这一次,欧文花费了一首诗的代价将他从俄罗冈带了回来,他把雾虎的这种行为称为“返家本能”。The homing instinct, Irvine called it, after he had expended the selling price of a sonnet in getting the animal back from northern Oregon.