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我不停得喊着,就是个疯子。I do not stop shouting, just like a loony.

老人让整个疯狂酒吧high起来了。The old man set the loony bar pretty high.

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每一个沐浴在爱河中的人都是疯子。At the touch of love everyone becomes a Loony.

你想把你妈妈逼疯么?Do you want to send your mum to the loony bin.

每一个沐浴在爱河中的人都是疯子。She felt like a total loony doing these things for herself.

约翰眨了眨眼,盯着我,仿佛我真的发疯了一样。John blinked a few times and looked at me as if I might, indeed, be loony.

发疯的飞行员是如此令人着迷,你将通过几个小时的篮球的飞行!Loony Aviator is so addictive you'll be flying through the hoops for hours!

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仔细听听,没准我们能听到北美极端脑残分子正在向我们发出呼唤呢。If we listen closely, we may hear the call of the North American extremist loony.

实际上,整个化学系全是,狂热的化学教授。In fact, there's a whole chemistry department full of loony chemistry professors.

他们疯狂形象使得他们在自己的曲调中摇摆不定,也易受影响。Their loony images make them sway in their own tune making them this susceptible.

试想,在这样的夜晚他们得想出多少疯狂的事,做出多少其思怪想啊。Imagine the loony things they'll have time to imagine, the strange lore they might conjure.

一年前,左翼政治家提出的这样的需求,激起了“疯狂的左派”的回应。A year ago such a demand from a leftwing politician would have provoked a "loony left" response.

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我将永远不会替山达基做人情,这教会是狂人罗恩贺伯特创立的。That I would never do a favor for the church of scientology founded by a loony called L. Ron Hubbard.

现在我在吃菊芋、水萝卜和豌豆。我完全为这些蔬菜发狂。And now I'm eating artichokes, radishes and peas. I've gone completely loony over vegetables like these.

中国帝国旗帜上的那四颗小星,只代表了执政党疯狂要求的小部分。Those four little stars on China's imperial flag represent only a fraction of their governing Party's loony claims.

数十年来,任何试图探究母语对我们的思维产生影响的努力都被视为徒劳无功、沽名钓誉,人将对这种言论视为无稽之谈。The reaction was so severe that for decades, any attempts to explore the influence of the mother tongue on our thoughts were relegated to the loony fringes of disrepute.

有些人说这是版权侵犯或商标侵犯,而且时不时的,有些疯子会威胁说要起诉读者因为他们胆敢互相讲述他的故事。Some call it copyright infringement or trademarkinfringement, and every nowand again, some loony will actually threatento sue his readers for having hadthe gall to tell his stories to eachother.