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一个数据池必须包含一个等价类。A datapool must contain one equivalence class.

⑶命题逻辑等值演算。Figure of equivalence of ⑶ propositional logic.

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质与能的相当性已被充分地证实。The mass-energy equivalence has been amply confirmed.

这种信息等价给我们提供了很多好处。This informal equivalence gives us a variety of benefits.

同时胶粘剂的固化时间和温度存在等效性关系。The time-temperature equivalence of the adhesive is confirmed.

⑼谓词逻辑等值演算与前束范式。Figure of equivalence of ⑼ predicative logic and toe-int model type.

如果您双击已经存在的等价类,您可以重命名它。If you double-click the existing equivalence class, you can rename it.

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等价关系是粗集理论中的一个重要概念。The equivalence relation is the basic Concept of the rough set theory.

目的讨论简单无向图的匹配等价问题。Aim To discuss the matching equivalence of the simple undirected graph.

它的对偶建立了素滤子和超滤子的等价性。Its dual establishes the equivalence of prime filters and ultrafilters.

释意和等效构成指导口译的基本理论。Paraphrase and equivalence constitute the basic theory for interpretation.

另一个原因是一碗水端平的报道制造了一个虚假的对等。Another reason is that even-handed coverage has created a false equivalence.

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了解金钱在时间上的价值与等値的观念。Be able to understand the value of money on time and the concept of equivalence.

在等价验证中,通常选择互模拟作为等价关系。Bisimulation is often chosen as the equivalence relation in equivalence checking.

在形式验证中,来自等价性检查器的结果是明确的。During formal verification, the decision from a equivalence checker is clear-cut.

所有群都可以划分成叫做共轭类的等价类。Every group can be partitioned into equivalence classes called conjugacy classes.

在对象比较中,对象一致和对象相等分别是指什么?In the context of a comparison, what is object identity versus object equivalence?

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下推格值自动机接受的词语言与上下文无关格值文法生成的词语言具有等价关系。The equivalence of words language accepted by PDLA and generated by CFLG is proved.

等值翻译是翻译理论界长期以来争论不休的话题之一。Equivalence translation is one of the topics disputed about the translation theories.

结果表明,运用等效方法进行目标毁伤评估是可行的。The results show that equivalence surrogate method for damage assessment is feasible.