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一些使用阿谀的巧言。Some with a flattering word.

别再那样拍我马屁。Stop flattering me like that.

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我猜想他只是在给我戴高帽。I guess he was just flattering me.

他喜欢说奉承话。He likes to make flattering remarks.

我不喜欢奉承的恭维话。I don't like flattering compliments.

讨好的话是甜蜜的毒药。A flattering speech is honeyed poison.

巧言令色之友,是你最可怕的敌人。A flattering friend is your worse enemy.

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谄媚之友是你最大的敌人。A flattering friend is your worst enemy.

这部小说并不完全是谄媚的。It was not an entirely flattering portrait.

这就像有人奉承我们时候的感觉。It's similar to when someone is flattering us.

他们在挑战你的学识哦。They are testing or flattering your knowledge.

取得信任通过谄媚或哄骗而说服或赢得。To convince or win over by flattering or cajoling.

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许多谄媚的亲戚都奉承那个老富翁。Many flattering relatives fawned on the rich old man.

许多好谄媚的亲戚支巴结那个富有的老人。Many flattering relatives fawned on the rich old man.

不外人家倒很凑趣地欢迎了他。His reception however was of the most flattering kind.

褶饰杯和躯干提供一个讨人喜欢的契合。Ruching on the cups and torso offers a flattering fit.

别再奉承我啦,你让我开始骄傲起来。Stop flattering me. You're making me go on an ago trip.

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这总是让人有些畏惧感的,不过也让人高兴。It's always a little daunting but flattering nonetheless.

然而,总统的目光必须要更长远一些却绝非妄言。Yet a longer view is no more flattering to the president.

但是讨人喜欢的室内设计选择几乎是普遍的。But flattering interior design choices are near-universal.