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吉恩和查伦完成了一件了不起的工作。Gene and Charlene had done a great job.

汪晓宁的老家是加州,橘县。Charlene is from Orange County, California.

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你可能会跟夏琳还有罗伯特一样走运呢。You might be just as lucky as Charlene and Robert.

排练由蔡卓妍港元,为我们的二重唱。Rehearsing with Charlene Choi from HK for our duet.

夏琳是美国人,而罗伯特是澳洲人。Charlene is from America and Robert is from Australia.

查伦是个胸部丰满的金发碧眼的女人,笑起来的声音像链锯。Charlene was a busty blonde with a laugh like a chain saw.

假冒千金的事很快便传开了,夏琳在福康的工作也没了。Counterfeit money soon got around that charlene at the work of kang.

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夏琳刚在爱情路上载了一个跟斗,看什么都提不起兴趣。Charlene just love the way a load of a session, see what all interest.

蔡卓妍始终站在钟欣桐前面以保护钟欣桐。Charlene placed herself in front of Gillian the entire time to protect her.

谈判由艾尔·戈尔发起,查伦·巴尔舍夫斯基执行。The negotiations were launched by Al Gore and conducted by Charlene Barshefsky.

就接下来的几年,Charlene指出将有一种统一的社交图被开发出来。Over the next few years, Charlene pointed out that a unified social graph will develop.

7月的最后一周,他成为双胞胎女儿,里瓦和罗斯的爸爸。The last week of July, he became the father of twin girls, Charlene Riva and Myla Rose.

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小公主在画画班学用水彩画了好漂亮的熊猫啊!Charlene drew this Panda using water color in her Art class. Mameimei like it very much.

阿尔贝二世王子和夏莱娜·维斯托克将于2011年7月1日在摩纳哥王宫举行婚礼。Prince Albert II and Charlene Wittstock will marry at the Monaco palace on July 1, 2011.

易奕本想找四季解释,恰好遇到新福康门口晕过去的夏琳。Yi Yi this looking for four seasons, meet new luck kang the doorway charlene passed out.

夏琳一到程家就讨得爷爷的欢心,还进入了公司的管理层。Charlene pleasing grandpa as soon as I get to ride home, also entered the firms management.

面对连心的询问,夏琳没有否认,竟间接地顶替了自己的姐姐。Faced with defiled inquiries, charlene did not deny that indirectly, replace the his sister.

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Charlene还指出,门户能很容易地将社交数据结合到它们的网站里。Charlene also pointed out that any portal could easily incorporate social data into their site.

夏琳便把照片拿给杜鹃看,希望知道四季和易正华的关系。Charlene photos showed the cuckoo, want to know the relationship of the four seasons and c-com.

四季诚心地在妈妈面前向夏琳道歉,希望她能够原谅自己。Four seasons sincere to apologize to charlene in front of mother, hope she can forgive yourself.