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现在他担任农艺系系主任。Now he heads the agronomy department.

农艺学是一门与农作物生产相关的科学。Agronomy is the science of crop production.

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研究结果目前仅在农学周刊出现。The findings have just appeared in Agronomy Journal.

汤姆是一个农学家并研究农艺学。Tom was an agriculturist and working hard on agronomy.

农计师帮助农民获得更好的收成。The science of agronomy helps farmers obtain larger and better crops.

卡尔维诺先生进入了都灵大学学习农学。Mr. Calvino enrolled at the University of Turin, intending to study agronomy.

西方近代农学则以还原论为基础,以实验、分析方法为特征。Western Agronomy is based on atomism and observes things by the way of experiment.

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据此,提出农艺学上的专用技术研究改进的途径。The improved pathway for specific technology study on agronomy has been put forward.

依托北京农学院实施胚胎移植良种繁育工程。High-quality embryo-transplanting breeding project relies on Beijing Agronomy Institute.

这是中国农业大学农学与生物技术学院的网站。This is the website of the college of agronomy and biotechnology, China Agricultural University.

他从学怀俄明州的大学以及参加学院的高尔夫队并获得自然科学学士学位。Kevin attended the University of Wyoming and played collegiate golf while earning a B. S. in Agronomy.

研究旨在了解优繁5号和京9428两个引进的种质材料的农艺性状和品质。Our objective was to evaluate agronomy characteristic and quality of introduced Youfan5 and Jing 9428.

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袁隆平,男,出生于1930年,9个在1953年,毕业于西南大学农学系。Yuan Longping, male, was born in 1930, nine in 1953, graduated from the Southwest College of Agronomy.

采用试验与示范相结合,对汇集雨水补灌农技措施进行了系统研究。Using methods of experiment and demonstration, the agronomy techniques for rainwater irrigation are studied.

紫穗槐资源丰富,在医药及农学上应用广泛。Amorpha fruticosa L. is known for its abundant resources in nature and widely applied in medicine and agronomy.

侯加法教授1975年毕业于江苏农学院,1983年获农学硕士学位。Hou received his Bachelor's degree in 1975 and Master degree in Agronomy in 1983 from Jiangsu Agricultural College.

文章就十字花科蔬菜中芥子油苷的基因型差异及其农艺调控技术作一综述。The genotypic differences of glucosinolate in cruciferous vegetables and its regulation through agronomy are reviewed.

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1914年,金大创办农科,开中国四年制大学农、林教育之先河。The Agriculture department was set up in 1914, and it was the first 4-year study system of Agronomy Education in China.

它无疑是地学、生态学、植物学、动物学、林学、保护生物学和农学等工作者向往的地方。It is a paradise indeed for scientist of geosciences, ecology, botany, zoology, forestry, conservation biology and agronomy.

研究成果刚发表在农艺学期刊上,沃特曼教授以及其他科学家都还在继续他们的研究。The findings have just appeared in a Agronomy Journal. Professor Waterman and other scientists are continuing their research.