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那否认的瞳仁。The pupil in denial.

我认为这种想法就是在否认问题。I think this is simply denial.

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上帝的迟延不等于上帝的拒绝A delay is not a denial from God

我有蒙羞的感觉,但还是没有拒绝。I was dishonored, but i made no denial.

对定期月工资支付的否认。Denial of regular monthly wage payments.

事实清清楚楚,不容抵赖。The facts are clear and brook no denial.

可能一开始几分钟他们会否认。They might spend a few minutes in denial.

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欧洲的领导者们遭到人们的否认,其领导力形如瘫痪。Europe's leaders are in denial or paralyzed.

丑化、破坏、拒绝服务。Defacing, Destruction, and Denial of Service.

社会上普遍存在纵容剥夺权利的现象。Society as a whole also connives in the denial.

永远记住,大器晚成不意味着一无所成。Never forget, delay does not always mean denial.

这可以帮助防止拒绝服务攻击。This can help prevent denial of service attacks.

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奇怪的相克的人类感情!A strange denial of the common pulse of humanity.

在补交了一次资料后接到拒签通知。After an overcome, they received a denial notice.

我认为那些日本官员是在死不承认。I think those Japanese officials are in major denial.

冷漠和否定成了主要的应对机制。Apathy and denial become the primary coping mechanisms.

气候改变是个关乎其自身的特殊类别的否定。Climate-change denial is a special category all its own.

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从盲目乐观的拒绝到几天之内的危言耸听的排名。FROM blithe denial to rank alarmism in a matter of days.

啊,我们现在已经开始深入罗莎莉否认的源泉了!Ah, we're getting deep into Rosalie's well of denial now!

否认章些根基原则会导致普遍的自私。The denial of these ultimates results in mass selfishness.