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他很狡诈,但有时也会失策。He's very artful but sometimes miscarries.

而意义便是艺术人生的燃料。And meaning is the fuel of the artful life.

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他以巧妙的质问诱使证人说话前后矛盾。He tripped the witness by artful questions.

你也可能是被某个艺术化的神怪欺骗了双眼。Maybe it would be deceived by an artful demon.

这种情况的另一种变化是“狡猾的躲闪者”。A variation on this theme is The Artful Dodger.

他是个巧言令色的人。He is man with artful speech and flashy manners.

他的摄影作品极具戏剧性和艺术性,似乎是从伦勃朗那里借来的一种姿势。The photographs are theatrical artful posed like rentaRembrandts.

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在强调审美的意大利文化里,巧妙的小诡计很有市场。In the Italian culture of aesthetics, the artful scam has its place.

我认为法干不需要任何来自狡猾的欺骗者的帮助!Fagan's the name and I don't think he'll need any help from the Artful Dodger!

下面就告诉您如何使用巧用PPT2010制作苹果型标注框。The following will tell you how to use the artful made apple PPT2010 type box.

一幢幢新建的高楼大厦在各处拔地而起,规模宏伟,设计精美。New buildings, massive in span and artful in design, have sprung up everywhere.

他不需要狡猾的道奇尔的帮助,就能获得任何发光的奖杯。And he doesn't need the help of the Artful Dodger to pick up anything that glitters.

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警方拘捕了这些聚众闹事的刁棍。The police have arrested these artful rascals who gathered together to make trouble.

但使其赢得狡猾猎者美誉的是织圆形网的蜘蛛。But it is the orb weavers that have won the spiders their reputation as artful hunters.

但对于NASA美国的航天航空局来说,如果不够巧妙的话它是撑不了50年的。But NASA, America's space agency, did not survive to be 50 years old without being artful.

怎样把一个揽事过多者或一个狡猾的躲闪者转变成一个能干的团队成员呢?How do you convert a Spread-Too-Thinner or an Artful Dodger into a productive team member?

当面对这种袭击时,政治家们表现出矫健的身手——至今仍没有人被击中。These politicians are no loafers when it comes to the artful dodge – none have been hit yet.

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巧妙灵活的仿拟格在网络语言所运用的各种修辞方式中颇具特色。Artful and flexible parody is one kind of characteristic rhetoric modes in Internet language.

第四章探讨白话公案小说中判官形象塑造的艺术手法。Chapter four is discussed to the artful way of making up the judge images in the vernacular courtcase stories.

一些政客已经意识到有比枪和监狱更高明的使民众屈服的方法。Some politicians have realised that there are more artful ways of subduing people than shooting or jailing them.