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承销机构名称及有关的协议。the name of the underwriter and related agreements.

需要组织承销团的,由主承销商组织承销团。An underwriting group may be formed by the lead underwriter when necessary.

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您的主管会定期与核保人员分享与更新市场资讯。The information of market is updated and shared with underwriter regularly by your supervisor.

代位求偿权是海上保险中保险人的一项重要法定权利。The right of subrogation is an important statutory right of underwriter in maritime insurance.

雷曼兄弟公司,这家美国最大的按揭证券承销商,自然而然会受到华尔街的审查。Lehman, the biggest U.S. underwriter of mortgage-backed securities, was automatically scrutinized.

发行公司只记录从证券包销商处收到的现金净值。The corporation records the issuance of the bonds at the net amount received from the underwriter.

承销商在后市市场支持新股招股价的行动。Activities by an underwriter to support the offering price of a new issue stock in the aftermarket.

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她辞掉了做了27年的保险中介的工作,转而开办了福克西宠物美容护理中心。She ended a 27-year career as an insurance underwriter and opened Foxy's Pet Grooming and Boarding.

主承销商应当与其他承销商签署承销团协议。The principal underwriter should sign an underwriting group agreement with other sub- underwriters.

主承销商是与公司达成承销证券协议的承销商。Underwriter is a institution who sign the contract on distributing the bonds and stocks with a company.

尽管错误的陈述是无意的,但保险人还是受到欺骗。从而保险合同无效。Even though the mis-statement is unintentional, the underwriter will still be deceived and the policy voidable.

尽管错误的陈述是无意的,但保险人还是受到欺骗。从而保险合同无效。Even though the mis-statement is unintentional, the underwriter will still be deceived and the policy voidable.

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卖方有责任关心并谨慎地选择一家资信较佳的保险公司。The seller is obligated to exercise ordinary care and diligence in selecting an underwriter that is in good financial standing.

积极进行防灾防损工作是保险人的又一义务。Undertake take precautions against natural calamities prevents the another obligation that caustic job is an underwriter actively.

第三十条再保险接受人不得向原保险的投保人要求支付保险费。Article30 The re-insurance underwriter shall not claim for the payment of premium from the insurant of the original insurance contract.

证券承销商办理前项之包销,其应具备之条件,由主管机关定之。The qualifications required for an underwriter to undertake firm commitment underwriting shall be prescribed by the Competent Authority.

上述两位基金经理认为,即使富国银行提列贷款损失拨备的数额很可靠,其市值相对同行而言也不应如此之高.Even if the bank is a solid underwriter of loans, it may not deserve such a high valuation relative to its peers, the two fund managers said.

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金融债券以协议承销方式发行的,主承销商应提交尽职调查报告。A due diligence report shall be submitted by the lead underwriter if the issuance of financial bonds takes the form of contracted underwriting.

代理人或代表的签字必须标明其系代表保险公司或承保人签字。Any signature by an agent or proxy must indicate whether the agent or proxy has signed for or on behalf of the insurance company or underwriter.

作为本次国际羽坛盛会的保险商,我公司将一如既往地提供优质的保险服务和最充分的保险保障。As the insurances underwriter of the international badminton fair this time, PICC will keep on offering best service and plenitude assurance for the game.