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浏览或购买维克森今天。Browse or Buy Vixen Today.

五十年代的魅力适合老式的狐狸精。Fifties glamour fit for a vintage vixen.

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看在上帝的份上,滚吧,把你那泼妇的脸藏起来。Begone, for God's sake, and hide your vixen face!

我原以为你只有唠叨,倔犟和冷漠呢。Mom, I thought you were nothing but a stubborn, cold vixen.

拥有天使般的面孔和悍妇般的身材没有可以抵抗她。With an angelic face and a vixen body nobody can resist her.

因为她知道如何看起来像一个完全的刁妇,但却不必贬低自己。She knows how to look like a total vixen without being trashy.

无声的蒙太奇镜头闪回了地球,蝙蝠侠去看维克森。Back on Earth, in a wordless montage, Batman goes to see Vixen.

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她的形象经过多年的变换,已从卖弄风情的狐狸精变为朴实的母亲。Her image has evolved over the years from vamp vixen to earthy mother.

美丽天使的诱惑和魅力的泼妇诱惑魔鬼,谁赢了?Beautiful angel temptation and charm of the vixen to seduce the devil, who won?

就如我们提到过的,成为一个性感尤物远远比当一个羞涩的新娘要来的愉快的多。As we said before, being a sex vixen is far more pleasurable than playing shy bride.

雌狐与母狮一天清早,雌狐狸带着她的孩子走出巢穴,看见了母狮子和她的孩子。One morning when a vixen was taking her babies out of the lair, she saw a lioness and her cub.

我觉得你和她交往简直就像在骑只老虎,她是一个那麽难以预测脾气不稳的泼妇!I think you are riding the tiger by going out with her. She's such an unpredictable and moody vixen.

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但是,她出现在邻居家的录像带里,街区转角的时尚海报上,或者是贴在你卧室里的墙上。Instead, she is the video vixen next door, a fashion shoot come to your street corner, performance art in your living room.

雌狐狸问,“看我这群健康的孩子,如果有能力,一个骄傲的妈妈应该多养一些孩子。”" asked the vixen. "Look at my healthy and numerous children here, and imagine, if you are able, how a proud mother should feel.

艾玛红毯上的颠覆形象,厚重的烟熏妆和皮夹克,这个泼辣的风格很讨人喜欢!Emma changed up her look for this red carpet event, with heavy kohl smokey eye make-up and in a leather jacket. We love her vixen style!

另一个是名为宋慧乔,负责管理酒店展神秘俱乐部所有者和最后,名为娜娜,将其所有崩溃的女孩的雌虎。Another is a mysterious club owner named Kyo, who manages a cabaret show and finally, a vixen named Nana, the girl who will bring it all crashing down.

他指出,染红发的像泼妇似的嫌疑人安娜·查普曼,她的本名叫安娜·库先科,过着光鲜华丽的生活,公然违背间谍的处事方式。He pointed to the flashy lifestyle of flame-haired vixen Anna Chapman, whose real name is Anya Kushchenko, as flying in the face of how spying is done.

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新娘是挥舞着吉他的摇滚悍妇,新郎是一身肌肉的杀龙者,这一对实在古怪,也怪不得没有人相信他们能结合在一起。The bride and groom, a guitar-wielding rock vixen and a muscle-rippling dragon-slayer, make an odd couple—so it is hardly surprising that nobody expected their marriage.

无论你有一小时多的自由时间和一个热情的伴儿去分享,或者只是对你很珍贵的短短的一会儿,用这些有点情欲的小花招去放纵你的内心的瘙痒,都是一个很好的释放。Whether you've got a free hour and a hot partner in crime to share it with or just a precious few moments to yourself, it's a snap to unleash your inner vixen with these steamy to-do's.