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他们彼此间用钢刀相互挥刺。They stab it with their steely knives.

在球场上,王建民是钢铁般的坚强和沉著冷静。On the field his demeanour is steely and calm.

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她看着我,眼睛克制住不让眼泪流出来。She looked at me, eyes steely from trying not to cry.

这儿,金发变成了铁石心肠和不可捉摸的智慧的代名词。Here, blonde morphs into steely resolve and impenetrable intellect.

祝贺希金斯,钢铁般的意志。特鲁姆普是个明星。一届伟大的赛事。Well done John, steely under pressure. Judd is a star. A great tournament.

从表面上看,他钢铁般意志维持着他,因为他看上去没有受到影响。Outwardly he gives off a steely and emotionless vibe, as if he's unaffected.

那种具有浓烈活泼的味道的白葡萄酒就被描述成“新鲜的”、“热情的”还有“如钢铁般的”。" And white wines with a lively taste could be described as "crisp", "zesty" or "steely.

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找到与普通民众相关的魅力和支持或许正考验着这个铁腕新总统。Finding the charm and sympathy to relate to ordinary folk may test the steely new president.

在风度上,麦凯恩先生的反应迟缓、暴躁,而奥巴马先生的反应则坚定、迅速。In style, Mr McCain's reaction was slow and choleric, while Mr Obama's was steely and swift.

在八月份,帅派强硬的投球表现替自己赢得了所有八月份的先发比赛。He won all six of his starts in August by reeling off his usual string of steely performances.

她站在门坎上,门外是冷冰冰的青灰色的星光,屋里是黄惨惨的烛光。She stood on the threshold, between the steely starlight with out and yellow candle-light with in.

TL系列钢制拖链由链板、销轴以及支撑板和随动联接器等零件组合而成。The series of TL steely towline consist of chain plate, pintle, shoe plate and coupler going with etc.

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士兵感到自己稍稍放松了些,那种凝视着他紧绷目光的熟悉而坚强的眼神释去了他的疑虑。The soldier felt himself relax slightly, reassured by the familiar, steely glint in his charge's gaze.

凭借着沉着冷静的意志和坚定不移的决心,科逐渐扭转了伦敦申奥的命运。And with quiet determination and steely resolve, Coe began to turn the fortunes of London's bid around.

把气灌输到人的结缔组织中去,会使人感觉到身体达到统一、平衡,并使身体如钢筋般的强壮。By infusing your connective tissue with Qi, or bio-energy, you feel unified, balanced, and steely strong.

高大、瘦削、率直又坚定她在世人眼里散发着以色列精神冷酷又倔强的一面。Tall, gaunt, blunt and determined, to the world she embodied the steely stubbornness of the Israeli spirit.

非常清爽,带有优质伊登谷雷司令典型的铁矿石的味道。Superbly crisp with the typical steely mineral backbone of an Eden Valley Riesling from an excellent vintage.

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“英雄”,品牌名称,象征着穆贾尔兄弟的雄心壮志,诞生于1956年。"Hero", the brand name symbolizing the steely ambition of the Munjal brothers, came into being in the year 1956.

相反,海莉展现出一个坚定决心严格保护自己嗓音的年轻女性形象。Instead, Westenra paints a picture of a young woman with a steely determination who rigidly takes care of her voice.

强悍的琼斯和更技术化的斯莫林就像是维迪奇和费迪南德的翻版。The rugged Jones and more fluid Smalling echo the respective traits of the steely Nemanja Vidic and silkier Rio Ferdinand.