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早上好,我可以和威拉得先生讲话吗?Good morning. Could I speak with Mr. Willard please?

但威拉德全凭双手完成雕像,过程令人惊叹。But Willard creates it all by hand in an astonishing process.

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威拉德说他“不担心”该航母的军事影响。Willard said he is “not concerned” about the ship’s military impact.

他在场边看着小牛队高高举起冠军奖杯。Willard was standing courtside, watching Dallas lift the title trophy.

太平洋舰队司令罗伯特·威拉德称,美国对太平洋地区的承诺将会继续。Navy Admiral Robert Willard said the U. S. commitment to the region will continue.

1919年,当时的世界重量级拳王是一个叫杰斯·威拉德的大力士。It is 1919 and the heavyweight champion of the world is a giant named Jess Willard.

英帝国勋章获得者威拉德。维根在1957年出生于伯明翰,他小小年纪就开始了自己的艺术生涯。Born in 1957 in Birmingham, Willard Wigan MBE began his artistic life at a tender age.

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天才微雕艺术家威拉德·维冈在一个24克拉的金针针眼里雕出了奥巴马一家。Talented Willard Wigan has carved Mr Obama and his family into the eye of a 24-carat gold needle.

威廉迈克奈特是3M公司早期辉煌的缔造者。Willard Marriott, William McKnight, who was the person who really architected the early days of 3M.

威兰德说他不担心中国对于美韩在该水域进行海军演习的感受。Willard said he is not concerned about China's feeling about U. S. -ROK naval exercises in that area.

我低头仔细一看,发现威德拉•P•富兰克林和他的家庭排在名单的最前面。As I gazed down to read, I dis- covered Willard P. Franklin and his family were the top names on the list.

夫妻俩于1995年12月离婚,儿子威拉德·C·“特利”史密斯三世由他抚养。The couple divorced in December 1995, and Smith relinquished custody of their son Willard C. "Trey" Smith III.

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魏乐德则指出,如果没有来生,人也就没有可以失望的意识了!As Willard points out, if no afterlife exists, no one will have any consciousness with which to feel disappointment!

该引脚头,伦敦建筑劳合社的威拉德Wigan,大小的复制品,已售出?拍卖4,000元。This pin-head sized replica of the Lloyd's of London building, by Willard Wigan, has been sold for ?4,000 at auction.

马克斯韦尔的儿子詹姆斯·威拉德·马克斯韦尔也成为一个银行家,并且为他们的外孙子比尔盖茨留下了100万美元的托管基金。His son, James Willard Maxwell was also a banker and established a million-dollar trust fund for William Henry Gates III.

威拉德上将表示,中国这种新式武器尚未具备可完全投入使用的性能,很可能还需要“数年”的测试。Adm Willard said the new Chinese weapon was not fully operational and would probably undergo testing for "several more years".

“或许我想错了,但我认为威拉德或许正准备成为他周围世界的一部分,”我对校长说。"I may be wrong, but I believe Willard might be getting ready to become a part of the world around him, " I told the principal.

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晚几分钟,也许仅仅晚几秒钟再认输,杰斯·威拉德可能就活不下来,在职业拳击史上,他可谓是被揍得最惨的人之一。Jess Willard survives by the margin of minutes, perhaps only seconds, one of the worst beatings in the history of prize fighting.

第二天,当我要求募捐的时候,我发现除了威德拉之外,几乎所有的人都把这件事给忘了。When I called for the contributions the next day, I discovered that almost everyone had forgotten. Except for Willard P. Franklin.

英裔华人查尔斯·高琨因为在光纤技术领域做出的杰出贡献和乔治·史密斯以及韦拉德·博伊尔三人共同摘得了本年度的诺贝尔物理学奖。Chinese-born Briton, Charles Kuen Kao, shares Nobel prize in physics with George Smith and Willard Boyle for developing optical fibres