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我的叔叔,鲍勃,是一个狗雪橇比赛者。My uncle, Bob, is a dogsled racer.

竞赛者用了1分43秒跑完了一圈。The racer lapped in 1 minute 43 seconds.

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其中一个说,“这样更爽快,而且更安全。”"It's better and it's safer, " one racer said.

蒂姆·鲍威尔曾是汽艇比赛冠军。Tim Powell is a former champion powerboat racer.

赛马手用鞭子抽打着马背。The racer lashed the horse across the back with a whip.

这辆超动力的幽蓝街头疾车将准备好去撞击对方!This super-charged blue street racer is ready to crash!

这位竞赛者决心不顾一切危险,赢得这场500英里的车赛。The racer meant to win the 500-mile race at all hazards.

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我是一个公路赛的赛车手,这也是我第一次参加越野赛。I'm a road racer so this was the first off-road race for me.

我相信高速赛车手知道赛车是他的亲兄弟。I believe Speed Racer knew that Racer X was really his brother.

杰克是个相称好的赛跑运发动,他在大多数情况下都能患上胜。Jack is more often than not a good racer and he wi at most of the case.

我的叔叔,鲍勃,是一个狗雪橇比赛者。他的狗帮助他乘坐狗雪橇赛跑。My uncle, Bob, is a dogsled racer. His dogs help him race in a dogsled.

竞技运动员,追求最高级别,最佳表现力公路车的自行车爱好者。The racer or rider who demands the highest level of cycling performance.

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勇继续他的职业生涯作为最高的车手在12大奖赛在2017年。Hayato continues his career as a top racer in the 12th Grand Prix in 2017.

一位年轻的街头车手任,刚刚在山路赛车赢了红色180SX。A young street racer Renn has just defeatd a red 180SX on the mountain pass.

15年后,这座城市的另一个车手几乎成为第二个死于赛道的车手。Fifteen years later another racer from this city almost became the next to die.

副总裁临已宣布签署了美国越野赛车乔治的T细雨'德雷克。VP Pro have announced the signing of US off road racer George 'T-Mizzle' Drake.

刚度是正确的,但它不会是不够的赛车或循环良好填充。Stiffness is correct but it will not be enough for a racer or a cyclo well padded.

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我是一个在伊朗摩托车冠军。也是不错的骑车人和团结车手10-15年前。I was a motorcycle champion in Iran. also good Bicyclist and rally racer 10-15 years ago.

我知道仰泳比赛中通常不会撞头,但我想我自己游的话会。Al know backstroke racer will probably not hit their heads, but I think I would if I tried.

从构思到实现,阿尔法8C展现国际大赛车参赛车辆及巡回展览车辆的风范。Alfa's 8C was conceived and actualized to be both a Grand Prix racer and a true Grand Tourer.