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他说得非常轻缓,好像是故意的,漫不经心的。He spoke very low, advisedly, and impressively.

该工厂表面看起来干净地令人难忘。On the surface, the plant is impressively clean.

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你说了一些让人难忘的宽容并且高尚的话。You say something impressively forgiving and dignified.

了牛顿的引力定律,给人以深刻的印象。He discoursed impressively on Newton's theory of gravity.

另一方面,他们的社会有着令人印象深刻的良好秩序。On the other hand, their society was impressively well-ordered.

在危机来势最为凶猛之时,中央银行的表现令人印象深刻。Central banks performed impressively once the full force of the crisis hit.

我们驱车前往特里那位于弗吉尼亚城郊的气势恢宏的大房子。We've driven out to Terry's impressively large house in a suburb in Virginia.

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傻眼了,里面赫然有一个陌生的钱包和手机。Silly eye, the inside impressively has an unfamiliar purse ugg tall cellular phone.

在东南端,有设计醒目、集餐厅和商店于一体的商业场。At the south-eastern end is the huge and impressively designed mall of restaurants and stores.

刀锋砸开了门锁,赫然发现是被囚禁在柜子内的王师北。Blade broke door lock, impressively detection is imprisoned in the drawer of king division north.

超级计算机这一术语也可以是指速度慢了很多但仍然让人感觉很快的系统。The term supercomputer may also refer to systems that are much slower but still impressively quick.

像企业家一样思考正是LinkedIn做的有声有色的事情。Thinking like an entrepreneur is clearly something that the LinkedIn team is doing very impressively.

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当雨水浇透了他的头发和短上衣时,他仍然笔直地坐着不动,他对大雨的蔑视令人印象深刻,但却有点儿荒唐。As the rain soaks his hair and jacket, he sits still and erect, impressively defiant but a bit absurd.

良好的居民训练和建筑结构,使得死亡率“令人印象深刻地低”。Good civic training and building construction meant that the death rate was "impressively low, " they said.

科瑞欧独立于1983年,从此在员工与营业额方面迅速增长。Kiremko became independent in 1983 and personnel and turnover have continued to grow impressively ever since.

一个造型简单却令人印象深刻的大白十字架被光荣地孤立在一个威风凛凛显赫位置的最高处。A simple but impressively large white cross has been set up in splendid isolation on top of a commanding eminence.

大家把箱子打开,只见每个箱子里赫然塞着两个或者三个昏迷不醒的人。Everyone opens box, sees impressively filling in each box is 2 alternatively three obfuscations don't come to of person.

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就在我低头的一刹,赫然看见蹲便器内浮着一具鲜血淋漓的死婴。In one Cha that I lower the head, impressively see squat down float a blood to sprinkle the dead baby of Li inside the urinal.

而令人印象深刻的主细胞则分泌胃蛋白酶原,当它与胃酸混合时,就形成一种酶,叫做胃蛋白酶。The impressively named chief cells secrete pepsinogen which, when it mixes with stomach acid, becomes an enzyme called pepsin.

篮球兄弟继续着自己令人印象深刻的第六季,要知道在第五季本剧在所有的关键的收视族群上都有两位数的收视率。ONE TREE HILL continues to have an impressively strong sixth season, building over season five by double-digits in all key demos.