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“就像你原来感到特别疼,忽然它就消失了,”我爸说。“Like you had a terrible crick and then it went away, ” Dad says.

沃森和克里克对DNA结构的描述,是一项非常伟大的发现This was the famous finding of Watson and Crick in describing the structure of DNA.

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克里克将她的离去比作消除团队眼前的“巫术烟幕”。Crick likens her departure to "the smoke of witchcraft" clearing from the group's eyes.

铁克里克古陆缘地块位于塔里木盆地之西南缘。Ancient land reason massif crick of iron lie in southwest predestination of tarim basin.

返回剑桥以后,基于富兰克林的数据,沃森和克里克很快构建起一个DNA的分子模型来。He returned to Cambridge and with Crick promptly built a model of DNA based on her data.

克里克和华森后来提出了一种小病毒结构的一般理论。Crick and Watson subsequently suggested a general theory for the structure of small viruses.

克里克远为通情达理,他相信弗兰克林已经做了“关键的实验工作”。Crick was far more gracious, crediting Franklin with having done "the key experimental work."

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同时在剑桥展开研究的沃森和克里克采取了一种不同的方式研究DNA,他们希望通过理论来推导出它的结构。At Cambridge, Watson and Crick took a different approach to DNA, using theory to work out its stucture.

但威尔金斯和富兰克林的关系是很多疾速比的沃森和克里克的著名团队。威尔金斯认为富兰克林被聘为他的助手。But Wilkins and Franklin's relationship was a lot rockier than the celebrated teamwork of Watson and Crick.

但他还是与沃森以及克里克分享了1962年的诺贝尔奖。He shared the Nobel prize with Watson and Crick in 1962, whereas – controversially – Franklin was overlooked.

1951年12月11日,威尔金斯给克里克写了一份公函,要求剑桥小组停止研究DNA。On 11 December 1951, Wilkins wrote an official letter to Crick requesting the Cambridge team stop working on DNA.

克里克写信给其合作者莫里斯·威尔金斯博士,庆幸一位女性合作者罗莎林德·富兰克林的退出。Crick writes to collaborator Dr. Maurice Wilkins and praises the exit of a female collaborator, Dr. Rosalind Franklin.

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根据错误数据,他和克里克建立了一个DNA结构模型还很自豪地邀请伦敦小组到剑桥观摩。Based on it, he and Crick built a model of DNA’s structure and proudly invited the London group up to Cambridge to inspect it.

他的实验室主任把DNA项目从他身边抢走而他的朋友克里克在富兰克林的数据帮助下解决了问题。His lab chief had taken the DNA project away from him and his friend Crick had solved it with the help of Dr. Franklin’s data.

“所以振作起来即便我们给你严重警告那也是朋友间的玩笑,”1951年克里克写到。“So cheer up and take it from us that even if we kicked you in the pants it was between friends,” Crick wrote in December 1951.

克里克太太和克里克先生一起上市场去了,莱蒂不舒服,别的人也有事出了门,不到挤牛奶的时候不会回来。Mrs Crick is gone to market with Mr Crick, and Retty is not well, and the others are gone out somewhere, and won't be home till milking.

这种曾经到处可见的小生命,如果我们以后再听不到他们咕呱咕呱地为春天伴奏,那无疑是个悲剧。It would be a tragedy if the chirk and the crick of this once common creature should no more be heard as a choral accompaniment to spring.

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她们看见奶牛场老板克里克先生在屋子里直跺脚,原来是他收到了一位顾客的来信,信中抱怨他生产的黄油带有一股怪味。Dairyman Crick was discovered stamping about the house. He had received a letter, in which a customer had complained that the butter had a twang.

在1953-1954学年期间,克里克休假参加了纽约布鲁克林理工学院的蛋白质结构项目。During the academic year 1953-1954 Crick was on leave of absence at the Protein Structure Project of the Brooklyn Polytechnic in Brooklyn, New York.

1953年1月,沃森和克里克又重新回到了DNA研究领域,他们希望在离开卡文迪许实验室以前,能去国王学院就DNA问题与富兰克林最后谈一次。In January 1953, Watson and Crick were back on the DNA problem and hoped to visit London for Franklin's last talk on DNA before leaving the laboratory.