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医生建议改变我的营养习惯。The doctor has recommended changing my alimentation habits.

这有助于允许早期进食快速恢复正常功能。This may also allow earlier alimentation and a speedier return to normal functioning.

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以往在营养学领域主要的研究课题都是如何防止营养缺乏。Anciently , in dietetics field, the primary research tasks are all about how to avert the lack of alimentation.

这可能与肿瘤起源于腮腺腺体内以及腮腺对肿瘤提供营养有关。It may be relate to the parotid gland system cause the tumour and the parotid offers alimentation to the neoplasms.

我想适当的锻炼、平衡的营养、乐观的心态对健康是必要的。In my opinion, it is necessary to have proper exercise, balanceable alimentation , and optimistic mind for keeping health.

目的探讨周围静脉营养在早产儿治疗中的应用价值及安全性。Objective To discuss the application value and safety peripheral intravenous alimentation at premature infant's under medical treatment.

生物硫是专用于草坪的一种优良硫素,硫是氨基酸和蛋白质合成的重要元素,是草坪草的次要营养元素。Bio-S is an excellent source of sulfur for turf which is a component of aminophenol and protein. Bio-S is subordination alimentation element.

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目的通过周围静脉营养的应用及护理,提高危重新生儿的成活率,促进其生长发育。Objective To raise the survival rate of serious new borns and promote growth development through peripheral intravenous alimentation and nursing.

目的探讨早期肠外营养对神经外科重症病人治疗中的临床效果。Objective To analyze the clinical effect of The application of the parenteral alimentation for curing the neurosurgery severe cases in early days.

对于乳糜漏的病例,推荐低脂中度甘油三脂饮食或是完全胃肠外营养,从而减少乳糜的形成。In cases of chylous leakage, a low-fat medium-triglyceride diet or total parenteral alimentation is recommended to decrease the formation of chyle.

小肽是动物降解蛋白质为氨基酸过程的中间产物,是动物的重要营养物质,是除氨基酸之外的蛋白质营养吸收代谢的重要方式之一。As an intermediate product from protein to amino acid, peptide is the important nutrient substance and one of the important alimentation of protein besides amino acid.

产品不仅保留了大枣的主要营养成分,且口感细腻、爽口,风味独特,食用方便。The production not only keeps down Chinese date mostly alimentation nurturance, but also touches greasy, tasty and refreshing daintily , flavor single, edible facility.