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最强烈的感情往往是最深藏不露的。remain most unspoken.

贵公司的潜规则是什么?What are the unspoken rules?

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这个问题经常是说不出口的。The concern is often unspoken.

这也是丫鬟们之间不成文的规矩。This is also of the servant girls unspoken rules.

女性之间,关于月事,会否存在一种默契?So, is there any unspoken understanding among the girls?

我愿是您无言默语,听您诉说云云。And let me be Your unspoken words, That I often hear You say.

但是,35岁的她早已超出台湾默认的适婚年龄。Yet, at 35, she is well past Taiwan's unspoken marriage deadline.

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最好的感觉,是有人懂你的欲言又止。The best feeling is that someone can understand your unspoken words.

这个故事是我们这个时代尚未公开的巨大丑闻之一。This is the story of one of the great unspoken scandals of our times.

春花怒放,犹若阵阵不可言说的爱之痛苦。THE SPRING flowers breakout like the passionate pain of unspoken love.

春花怒放,就像我那未说出口的爱情的灼热的痛苦。THE spring flowers break out like the passionate pain of unspoken love.

万物变迁是必然,这是不容分说的自然定律。Change is necessary and is something that is the unspoken law of nature.

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默默无言的爱是抵达心灵最快的途径。To let true love remain unspoken is the quickest route to a heavy heart.

上酒吧的人如果有兴趣交谈的话,会用非言语方式表现出来。Pub-goers will indicate in unspoken ways if they are interested in chatting.

如果爱上谁,告诉他们。心会碎掉的原因,有时候是因为自己的一些话一直开不了口。If you love someone, tell them. Hearts are often broken by words left unspoken.

它还是我们对无法言愉的情感和多样的心境的宣泄。It should also be an outlet for our own unspoken thoughts and our varied moods.

大多数设计者都认同这样一种不言而明的理念,即时尚是视觉艺术的一种重要形式。Most designers share the unspoken belief that fashion is a valid form of visual art.

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但下面的关于一个古代恶灵的恐怖故事,显然不属于前述的种类。The following tale of dread and the unspoken terrors of an ancient evil is not one of them.

两者都已传到祂的耳朵,祂听取所有的祷告,说出口的与未说出的。Both have reached the ear of Him Who heareth all supplications , the spoken and the unspoken.

各频道之间有一个心照不宣的共识,即它们不在同一时间播肥皂剧。Channels maintain an unspoken agreement that their soaps are not scheduled for the same time.