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许多银行已开始采用自动化技术。Many banks have begun to automate.

接下来,你将使这些功能实现自动化Next, you are going to automate these functions.

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有人建议我们把面粉机自动化。It was suggested that we automate our flour mill.

一种新的成象技术有助于将这个过程自动化。A new imaging technology could help automate this.

我们帮助您自动化这个过程中,”海曼说。We help you automate that process, " said Hayman."

如果您将它们自动化,那么就要预先投资。If you automate them there is an up-front investment.

将没什么附加值的HR部分外包或自动化。Outsource or automate the non-value adding part of HR.

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下面是一个如何自动化一个日常活动的例子。This is an example of how to automate a routine activity.

对低效的流程进行自动化并不明智。It would not be advisable to automate an inefficient process.

关于在编辑器中使用巨集来自动化工作的基本资讯。Basic information about using macros to automate tasks in the editor.

在电子表格中很容易自动化复制-粘贴操作。You can easily automate the copy-and-paste operation in the spreadsheet.

你自动化商业过程的最高价值机会是什么?What are your highest-value opportunities to automate business processes?

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使表单填充自动化,当仍旧像使用纸张那样容易Automate form filling while retaining an easy to use paper-like experience

雇佣、外包和自动化工作要与企业的发展规模相符。Hire, outsource, and automate in proportion to the growth of your business.

如果您发现正在重复做单调而枯燥的事,那么自动化它。If you find yourself doing a simple dull task more than twice, automate it.

如果您的工具未实现此流程的自动化,请开发自己的脚本或宏。Develop your own scripts or macros if your tools don't automate the process.

维护审核跟踪和自动化簿记工作,以便能够追究团队的责任。Maintain audit trails and automate bookkeeping so that teams are accountable.

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考虑创建脚本来自动化队列管理器的定期维护。Consider creating scripts to automate the regular maintenance of queue managers.

而且,现在市场上已经有一些不错的产品可以使这个步骤自动化。There are some great products out there that can automate this process, as well.

我们不能从策略声明中自动实现这些规则。We cannot automate the implementation of these rules from the policy statements.