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压力是很重要的一个导火索。Stress is a major contributor.

大西洋月刊的撰稿人大卫·费得曼写道Atlantic contributor David Freedman writes

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照片为原始图片,由投稿人本人拍摄。Photo should be original taken by contributor.

这个贡献者就成为了一个商业贡献者。That Contributor is then a Commercial Contributor.

云为摄影大片做出了不可磨灭的贡献。Clouds are the noble contributor for awesome photos.

他经常为儿童刊物写稿。He is a regular contributor to children's magazines.

Loudon是MobileActive.org的一个偶然的贡献者。Loudon is an occasional contributor to

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乳酸—主要促进酸中毒和节律障碍。Lactic acid – major contributor to acidosis and dysrhythmias.

每个贡献者都应该知道如何方便地获得代码审查结果every contributor knows how to obtain code review expediently

德国是该联合国支持的基金的第三大捐赠者。Germany is the third biggest contributor to the UN-backed fund.

没错,夏季鸡尾酒对卡路里的贡献最大。And yes, the summer cocktails are a big contributor of calories.

“我非常震惊,”BBC留言板上一位网友说。"I'm devastated," said one contributor to the BBC's messageboard.

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这种预感会加重我们的拖延症。The sense of foreboding can be a big contributor to procrastination.

迪拜不断膨胀的人口是造成其高消耗的原因之一。Dubai's expanded population is one contributor to this over-consumption.

摄影师皮特·艾斯克是国家地理的定期撰稿人。Photographer Peter Essick is a regular contributor to National Geographic.

他现在被视为一个独立的发明者和贡献者演算。He is now regarded as an independent inventor of and contributor to calculus.

TechRepublic投稿人埃蒙德·沃伊乔斯基分享了他列出的前20个理由。TechRepublic contributor Edmond Woychowsky shares his list of top 20 reasons.

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诸多原因导致差空气,但亚利桑那沉溺火是最为主要的原因。There were several causes, but Arizona’s Wallow Fire was a major contributor.

教育培养的缺乏也许是导致如今埃及贫困最大的原因。Lack of education is perhaps the greatest contributor to poverty in Egypt today.

代夫柴林斯基,自由作家,经常投稿国际演讲人杂志。Dave Zielinski is a freelance writer and frequent contributor to the Toastmaster.