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外教是我们生活中一个特别的存在。ESL L teacher is a very special existence in our life.

每当我辅导ESL学生时,我总是试着更加耐心点。When I help an ESL student, I try to have more patience.

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无论如何,让我来回顾下我刚开始几个月教非母语英语课程的几个月吧。Anyway, let's go back to my first few months of teaching ESL.

为初高中学生提供封闭式ESL学习环境。Immersion ESL program available for junior high and high school students.

从那时开始我对教非母语英语课程的意义看的更深了。That was when I started looking deeper at the real meaning of teaching ESL.

语言中心可以随时插班的吗?希望各位可以给我一点帮忙。I suggest you should prepare for your Lpi test instead of taking Esl courses.

事实证明,即使对ESL课程成绩突出的学生来说,AP生物也是非常有挑战性的。AP biology has proved to be a very challenging course even for strong ESL students.

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所以,指示词的语篇功能应当成为二语写作教学中的重要环节。Undoubtedly, demonstratives can be regarded as a significant aspect in ESL writing.

巧了.我们刚开了一个第二外语的夜课班.从本月15号开始.晚上6点上课.Well, we just opened an evening ESL class. It starts the 15th of this month at 6p.m.

当对学生进行配对时,ESL教师可将能力强的学习者与能力弱的学习者配对。When pairing students, an ESL teacher can pair a stronger learner with a weaker learner.

像所有煽动家一样,李阳正确地找到了正困扰着中国学生学英语的问题。Like all demagogues, Li correctly identified a problem plaguing most ESL students in China.

若阁下不希望英基采用包括阁下子女的照片,请直接联络我们。If you do not wish for ESL to use photos that include your child, please contact us directly.

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由于赛制的不同,因此我们不能将NGL的奖金数量同ESL的相比。Because of the different Competition System, we can not NGL bonus number compared with the ESL.

最后,作者分别对二语阅读课的教师和学生也提出了自己的一些处理意见。Some suggestions are brought forth for both ESL students and teachers to deal with the problem.

这是迄今为止我所发现的在结构安排、典型对话场景设计等方面最适合非英语国家学生学习的教程。It’s the best I’ve found so far for structuring typical conversational situations for ESL students.

这样,ESL教师就经常为提前完成任务的高水平学生布置额外的活动。ESL teachers often have extra activities for the advanced students who finish their assignments first.

本书是中低级程度者为提升写作能力而专用的教科书。The book meets the needs of ESL students at the low-intermediate level to improve their academic writing.

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本研究旨在通过一项横向调查对中国大学英语学习者英语名词复数习得的状况进行初步的研究和分析。This is a cross-sectional study on Chinese college ESL learners'acquisition of the plural in English nouns.

针对以上分析,作者进一步指出了此研究对于完形填空的设计以及第二外语教学的启示和建议。For these findings, the author further points out the recommendations to cloze test designing and ESL teaching.

大学预科课程是由中级到高级,为ESL学生所设的一门学术课程。The University Readiness Program is an intermediate to advanced, academically oriented course for students of ESL.