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那褐色的瀑布泼撒了下来。Down rippled the brown cascade.

烟火散开像一片五彩缤纷的瀑布。The firework went off in a cascade of colour.

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HCC诱导的血管新生过程是一系列的级联反应。The process of angiogenesis is a cascade reaction.

她的头发被做成了瀑布般的螺旋形鬈发。Her hair was styled into a cascade of spiral curls.

下雨时,水如瀑布似地往窗子下面流。When it rained, water would cascade down the window.

然后出现一连串音符,紧接着回归主题Then there's a cascade and then the theme comes back.

为期6天的风暴过后开始了这场大规模的雪崩。This massive cascade of snow followed a six-day storm.

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青帮另一个潜伏的日本人通知坂田,叶山玉碎。Drew another latent Japanese notify sakata, cascade die.

本文介绍一种多回路串级控制方法。This paper presents a multi-loop cascade control method.

大量刚裂开的玻璃碎片叮叮当当地落到地板上。A fresh cascade of splintered glass tinkled to the floor.

在他们身后,瀑布闪烁着银光飞泻而下。Behind them waterfalls cascade down in the silvery light.

北边的喀斯喀特山脉由一群火山组成。The Cascade Range, to the north, is made up of volcanoes.

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月光如瀑布照着你的脸,你无法抗拒的。Moonbeams cascade over your face, and you're irresistible.

并对级联中分离单元的分离情况进行了分析。The separation unit of the cascade has also been analysed.

结果是按这些值叠放的视图。The result is a cascade of the views offset by these values.

计算结果同叶栅吹风试验结果很好地吻合。The computative results approach the test results of cascade.

其方剂之组成则以君、臣、佐、使之团队精神为规范。The formation of formula has group spirit with cascade class.

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这种疼痛由一触即发的敏感灵敏性激发级联反应。This can set off the pain cascade with hair-trigger sensitivity.

我们有一次直达芝加哥的航班,是喀斯喀特公司的372号航班。We have a flight to Chicago non-stop. It's Flight 372 on Cascade.

请始终使用标准的指定供应商的喷洒接头和堵头产品。Always use standard DME style cascade water junctions and baffles.