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我会介意说出我的年龄吗?Do I mind telling my age?

他后悔说了谎。He repented telling a lie.

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专注于讲好故事。Focus on telling the story.

康利讲的是实话吗?Was Conley Telling The Truth?

我忘记了曾把这事告诉过他。I forgot telling her about it.

我忘记了曾把这事告诉过她。I forgot telling her about it.

我忘了,我曾把这事告诉过他。I forgot telling him about it.

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为什么我要告诉你这一切?Why am I telling you all this?

巩汉林在讲故事?Is Gong Hanlin telling a story?

妈的,我只是撒谎不打草稿。Damn, I am good at telling lies!

他指责约翰不说老实话。He blamed John of telling a lie.

他害怕告诉她真相。He funked telling her the truth.

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全盘托出那是美国人的做派。Telling all is the American way.

——我跟你说,哥们,凯文说。I’m telling yeh, man, said Kevin.

终于说大实话了呀。You're finally telling the truth.

我正在告诉你的是从她身上学习。I’m telling you to learn from her.

通报大人不算告密。Telling an adult is not snitching.

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是谁和你说的这些胡话?Who's been telling you such stuff?

哦,69页,谢谢你提醒我。Okay. So, Thank you for telling me.

她忘了曾敷陈过母亲这件事。She forgot telling mother about it.