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史戴琳探员就是那只深沉的鹞鸽。Agent Starling is a deep roller.

斯塔琳特工,你承认存在耶稣吗?Have you accepted Jesus, Agent Starling?

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欧洲斯塔林起飞,从地面。European Starling taking off from the ground.

市政厅的房顶是星椋鸟的一个主要栖息处。One of the main starling roosts is on top of the Town Hall.

市政厅的房顶是欧椋鸟的一个主要栖息处。One of the main starling roosts is on top of the Town Hall.

例如,白背啄木鸟和八哥。These ones, for example, are white-backed woodpecker and starling.

大山雀的巢成功率最低,灰椋鸟的巢成功率最高。The nest success of Great Tit is the lowest and Ashy Starling is the highest.

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奎恩曾是八卦小报红人,也是斯特林市夜店的熟客。Queen was a regular tabloid presence and a fixture at the Starling City club scene.

在一只饥饿的白头雕选取小椋鸟作空中零食时,小椋鸟便会在劫难逃。This tiny starling didn't stand a chance after a hungry bald eagle chose it as a mid-air snack.

仔细一看,原来是黑石头、椋鸟、红毛和另一个绰号叫跳鼠的海盗。I recognized they were Darkstone, Starling , Redhair and another pirate with the nickname of Jerboa.

被遣返时,他得到许可带走他正在写的一本书的手稿和他的宠物八哥。When he was repatriated , he was allowed to keep the manuscript of a book he had been writing, and his pet starling.

其中包括鹪鹩、五子雀、八哥以及诸如蛎鹬、杓鹬和红脚鹬的水鸟。The species included the wren, nuthatch, starling and also waterbirds such as the oystercatcher, curlew and redshank.

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“我们都想在未来2013年时洪灾保险能够继续广泛推广并且价格很有竞争力,”斯塔林说。"We all want flood insurance to continue to be widely available and competitively priced beyond 2013," says Starling.

奎恩为本市亿万富翁罗伯特•奎恩之子,遇难时罗伯特也在船上,现已正式确认其遇难身亡。Queen is the son of Starling City billionaire Robert Queen, who was also on board but now officially confirmed as deceased.

奎恩为本市亿万富翁罗伯特¹•奎恩之子,遇难时罗伯特也在船上,现已正式确认其遇难身亡。Queen nis the son of Starling City billionaire Robert Queen, who was also on board but now officially confirmed as deceased.

但是兽医检测后发现,这些燕八哥是因为吃了酿造葡萄酒剩下的、已经发酵的葡萄残渣而醉死的。But the vet it was found that because of these starling brewed wine left to eat, has been fermented grape residue and Zuisi's.

拉泽尔表示,虽然几年前当地曾暴发禽流感,但是这些燕八哥并未感染此病。Lazar said that while a few years ago a local outbreak of bird flu have been, but they are not infected with the disease starling.

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斯塔林争论说当公共开支正被压榨,削减防洪投入将是错误的经济政策。Starling argues that while public spending is being squeezed, cutting back on investment in flood defences would be a false economy.

此前在罗马尼亚东部康斯坦察城郊,出现了数十只燕八哥尸体,专家曾担心它们可能死于禽流感。Constanta in Romania after the eastern suburbs, there have been dozens of starling body, experts have worried that they may be bird flu.

良好的营养让你的骨骼生长,可你还是贫穷白人的后代,是吧,斯塔琳特工?Good nutrition has given you some length of bone, but you"re not more than one generation from poor white trash, are you, Agent Starling?"