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当然,中国的空气质量不咋地,而且政府有各种令人厌烦的审查。The air in China may be gritty and the censorship irksome.

他那满是煤灰的脸上,棱角分明的皮肤围绕着坚毅的双眼。Rigid edges of skin surround gritty eyes of face caked with coal.

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杰克逊出生于芝加哥市附近的石材工业城市——印第安那州的盖瑞市。Jackson was born in Gary, Indiana, a gritty industrial city near Chicago.

我们喜欢看见米奇教训那些自命不凡的角色。We like seeing Mickey teaching the snootier characters some gritty life lessons.

小苏打是极其精细沙粒状的结构,并且它是非常好的研磨剂。Baking soda's finely gritty texture makes it an excellent, gentle abrasive cleaner.

情报局基本一周一次的情况通报会背离了它的强硬形象。The briefings, which take place about once a week, belie the agency's gritty image.

困扰叙述将保持在你的脚趾,并沉浸在你坚韧不拔的科幻世界。Haunting narrative will keep you on your toes and immerse you in the gritty sci-fi world.

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砂石遍布的巴黎市郊同样分享到了戛纳电影节的影视盛宴。The gritty suburbs of Paris are getting a taste of the glamorous Cannes Film Festival.

黝黑的犄角旮旯让人恍惚又回到了19世纪的美国煤矿小镇。in its darker corners it's reminiscent of gritty 19th-century American coal-mining towns.

千寻勇敢坚毅的用自己的执着与善良终于实现了拯救白龙的使命。Chihiro gritty with his perseverance and good finally realized to save the Dragon mission.

她仍记得慵懒地躺在沙滩上,任习习凉风亲吻自己的肌肤。She still remembered the cool breezes that caressed her skin as she lay on the gritty sand.

钟表匠站在一家用木板围起来的车身修理厂前面,沙土人行道上没有任何其他人。The clockmaker stood in front of a boarded-up body shop, and the gritty sidewalk was deserted.

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这个是他最近的一部电影的名字,另一部欧洲惊险刺激的动作片,在柏林拍摄。It's the name of his latest movie, another gritty Euro action-thriller, this one set in Berlin.

这部影片,将残酷的现实与芭蕾舞的幻想世界结合在一起,展示的画面并不一定就是事实。The film, which weds gritty realism with the dreamworld of the ballet, is an unreliable witness.

研究表明有勇气的人在他们的一生中能够获得更多的教育和更高的大学考试平均分。Studies show that gritty people obtain more education in their lifetime and earn higher college GPAs.

研究表明拥有意志力的人在人生中会接受更多的教育,拿到更高的大学文凭。Studies show that gritty people obtain more education in their lifetime, and earn higher college GPAs.

夫瑞里和皮特生产的巧克力都是用花岗石辊磨粉的,可是仍有砂砾感。The chocolates made by Fry and Peter were ground using granite rollers, but still had a gritty texture.

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自从加索尔加盟后,湖人就变得特别强大,湖人打球也更加坚决。The Lakers' free-and-easy style of play since Gasol joined them has overshadowed a gritty determination.

在那些恼人的日子里,四环素和磨砂肥皂不仅没有让我的面部光洁,反而使它又红又粗糙。Those frustrating days of tetracycline and gritty soaps left my face not clean and glowing but red and raw.

在沙粒遍地的夏日,为有钱人扛了一天的高尔夫球包后,骑车回家的我总是又累又饿。After carrying the golf bags of some rich folks through a gritty summer day, I'd bike home tired and hungry.