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他完全疯了。He was stark mad.

耸立在刮风的天空下。Stark in a windy sky.

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这就是内德·斯塔克规则。This is the Ned Stark Rule.

一个鲜明的选择,在第一绯红。A stark choice, at first blush.

这棵树只剩下光秃秃的树枝。The tree has only stark branches.

我心中私语,表面却显得沉默异常。I seem stark mute but inwardly do prate.

营养不良导致的效应是明显的。The effects of malnourishment are stark.

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那个死人躺在那里,僵硬直挺。There the dead man lay, stark and stiff.

却假戏真做,找到了自己的真爱。But a stark reality, find your true love.

寻找石油的等差级数是严格的。The arithmetic searching for oil is stark.

而你,当幽黯深沉、苍凉。And thou, when the gloom is deep and stark.

看到了完全赤裸的斯卡特勒。See a stark naked scuttler. Feel his shame.

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“世界乳业之耻”。A stark disgrace of the global dairy industry.

而在东面则是森森白墙,荷枪警哨。To the East, stark white concrete and armed guards.

至尊宝假戏真做,找到真爱。Sovereign treasure stark reality, to find true love.

冰与火之歌。权力的游戏。历史与传说之疯王。史塔克家族。History and Lore. Mad King Aerys. House. Stark. Chi_Eng.

绿城是受此轮调控打击的典型之一.Greentown is one of the more stark examples of the crunch.

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你把它描述为“我们现在所处的情形的一幅鲜明写照”。You describe it as "a stark portrait of where we are now".

这位政治家全力支持2010年在上海举办世博会。Der Politiker macht sich stark für die Expo 2010 in Shanghai.

制造过程看起来并不复杂,至少对于托尼·斯塔克来说是这样的。It all seems very easy, at least for someone like Tony Stark.