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这种水可以喝。This water isf for drink.

你们应该用标准的ISF表格。You should use our standard ISF form.

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我怀疑他是否能得到升职。I'm wondering isf he would be promoted.

可人家就是有钱,这也是福报?Can somebody else be rich, this also isf quote?

国际垒球联合会是垒球的世界性管理机构。The ISF is the world governing body of softball.

为什么叫“物品保存失败”?或者“ISF”?So why is it called "Item save failed! " aka "ISF"?

那些通过不正当手段得到的钱也是福报?Those who get by unfair means money also isf quote?

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授予联盟军队和伊拉克安全部队追剿所有极端分子的权力。Give Coalition and ISF authority to pursue ALL extremists.

注意,我们公司是不卖单票保证金的。Please kindly note our company doesn't sell single bond for ISF entry.

我想文件治安部队,我需要你的协助审查的形式附后。I am trying to file ISF and I needed your assistance in reviewing the form attached.

恭喜你们获得这届女垒世锦赛的参赛资格!Congratulations to you on your qualification for this ISF Women's World Championship!

这些担忧都是有一定道理的,但是并不能肯定地说英国就是一个彻底的输家。There is something to these worries, but it isf ar from clear th at Britain is a net loser.

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免疫抑制因子在卵巢癌发生及发展中起着重要作用。These results suggested that ISF played an important role inthe development of ovarian cancer.

家教会成员为弘立书院学生家长、教职员及校长。The PTA membership consists of parents of ISF Academy students, faculty, and school principals.

根据3461号文件表明国际航运联合会和海关边境保护局拥有共同的目标就是“进口数量创记录”。The importer of record number for ISF purposes is the same as "importer number" on CBP form 3461.

另一方面,间歇蒸汽驱还可以减缓和抑制汽窜,改善稠油蒸汽驱开采效果。In addition, ISF can delay and restrain the steam breakthrough and improve the effect of steam flood.

该文针对构建基于HLA的仿真平台,提出了一种基于HLA的交互式仿真框架ISF。This paper presents a HLA-based interactive simulation framework ISF for building HLA-based simulation platforms.

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做为一间双语学校,弘立书院及其家教会需承担大量的中英及英中翻译工作。Being a Putonghua-English bilingual school, the ISF and ISF PTA require a lot of translation between the two languages.

准确预测密闭鼓风炉的透气性,对于提高密闭鼓风炉的产量具有重要意义。The accurate prediction of the permeability in the Imperial Smelting Furnace is meaningful for increasing the output of ISF.

病变同时相关于年龄、病程、糖化血红蛋白、血脂异常、血纤维蛋白原和尿蛋白。At the same time the pathological changes isf related to the age, course, glycosylated hemoglobin, blood-lipid abnormality, urine protein.