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嫩枝红色,老枝棕红色。Burgeon red, old branch palm is gules.

只要有一点空隙,植物就会生根发芽。Plants burgeon from every available space.

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我年纪大些之后,信心才开始增强。My confidence began to burgeon later in life.

春天到来的时候所有的树木开始发芽。When spring is coming all trees began to burgeon.

春天来了,所有的树发芽了。When spring is coming all trees begin to burgeon.

春天来临时种子开始发芽。Seeds begin to burgeon at the commencement of spring.

我们希望这欢乐的日子将逐步稳定的发展下去。We hope that the festival will burgeon out slowly but steadily.

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没有预期到在没有阳光卫生间里,这株植物能活下来,而且不断生长。I didn't expect that this green plant can keep growing without sunshine. Did you see the burgeon?

在那些日子里,橡树会在林间空地里燃烧,橡子会在酸橙树的主枝上萌芽。In these days the oaks shall burn in the forest glades, and acorns shall burgeon on the lime trees' boughs.

有可靠迹象表明,由于公司裁员,失业率攀升以及俱乐部等服务项目的削减,社会排斥感将继续扩散。There is every indication, as unemployment climbs and cuts are made, that the sense of alienation will burgeon

但是播种育苗、分株繁殖所获得的苗木数量有限,满足不了市场的需求。However, the quantity of seedlings which gained by seed and burgeon is finite and can't satisfy the demand of market.

当前,大众文化作为一种新兴文化形式,已成为我国最活跃、最值得关注的意识形态领域之一。Currently , as a new burgeon , public culture has become one of being most active and worth regarding ideological fields.

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而一则好的广告就像一个好的艺术作品一样,必须植根于民族文化的土壤,才能生根发芽。Just like an excellent work of art, a good advertisement must be rooted in the soil of the national culture so that it will burgeon forth.

但是,大陆村治的经济民主仍有可能在未来促成民间社会的出现,使得政治民主化得以开始。But, even so, the author believes that in the future the village democracy will bring about the burgeon of political democratization in China.

咱们去问冬妈妈冬妈妈,撒雪花,盼望明年发绿芽,要问为啥不怕冻,身体壮来爱运动!Winter Mum scatters the snow flowers. Wishing new burgeon would come up in the coming year. The reason why not be afraid of freezing , sports make us strong !

你是花季的蓓蕾,你是展翅的雄鹰,明天是我们的世界,一切因我们而光辉。You ' re a burgeon of the flower season, you ' re a tercel that spreads your wings. the world tomorrow belongs to us, and all the things display their brilliances.

我们今天播下的友好合作种子一定能够生根发芽、开花结果,中美合作伙伴关系一定能够迎来更加美好的明天。The seed of friendship and cooperation we sow today will burgeon and harvest in the future and China-US partnership of cooperation will definitely enjoy a better tomorrow.

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采用砂培方法研究了光合细菌对番茄发芽的影响和采用盆栽试验研究了光合细菌对番茄生长过程中光合色素、部分抗氧化酶以及微生物区系的影响。The affects of Photosynthetic bacteria on burgeon of tomato through sand culture method on pigment, enzyme system of tomato and soil microbe through pot culture experiment were studied.

综述用超声处理农作物种子,以提高种子萌发和产量方面的研究现状,并提出用超声处理种子过程中存在的问题以及需要努力的方向。The research status on treatment of crop seed by ultrasound which aimed to improve burgeon and yield was reviewed. The existing problems and challenges of future research were put forward.

虽然大多数分析人士认为移动商务的蓬勃发展是必然趋势,但是非常多的移动商务企业在运营过程中却没有找到合适的商业模式,普遍存在发展后劲不足的问题。Although many analysts have predicted that m-commerce market will undoubtedly burgeon in China, many corporations lack sustaining development capability for they couldn't find proper m-commerce model.