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很重加强的方尖石塔启动高斯武器。Heavily Fortified Obelisks activate Gauss weaponry.

以色列本身一直在武器装备和人力资源上占优势。Israel itself has long been superior in weaponry and manpower.

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不需要体能或者武器上的优势。There's no real advantage in terms of physicality or weaponry.

其三为贵族武士之道。Thirdly, the gentlemen warrior, carrying the weaponry of his way.

按我们所讲的军事等级,那属于热核弹道武器。We're talking military grade, for multi-megaton ballistic weaponry.

他们随时准备着战斗,并通常装备满重型武器。They are clearly combat-ready and usually covered with heavy weaponry.

她强大的武器装备可以轻易地让任何和她遭遇的护航舰队灰飞烟灭。Her range of weaponry could easily decimate any convoy she encountered.

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这种粘稠的等离子体也是冈根军备的基本原材料。The viscous plasmic material forms the basis of Gungan weaponry as well.

麻瓜也有类似的武器,不那么精准,但是也非常强大的非致命声波武器。Muggles have less precise but extremely powerful nonlethal sonic weaponry.

以多种方式实现技术转移,是技术进步的必然结果。Weaponry is the crystallization of the defense-related science and technology.

军备和武器的各自优势应该在不同的领域进行比较。The weaponry and armament should be comparable in advantage of different areas.

红场的石质地面得到了加强,以应付坦克和其他沉重的武器。Its cobbles had been reinforced to cope with the tanks and other heavy weaponry.

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黎巴嫩的联合国维和部队未能成功阻止这种武器的走私。The UN peacekeepers in Lebanon failed to prevent the smuggling of this weaponry.

当时“公司”评估我们在武器和化学领域的才能。“The company” was assessing our abilities in the areas of weaponry and chemistry.

他们尽可能多地摧毁伊军空军和防空武器。They knocked out as much as possible the Iraqi Air Force and air defense weaponry.

现在,微软既没有子弹也没有速度与谷歌相竞争。Today, Microsoft lacks both the weaponry and the nimbleness to compete with Google.

当时“自己搞”评估咱们在武器和化学领域的才能。"The company" were assessing we abilities in the are notas of weaponry or chemistry.

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今年年初,MDS与BAE系统公司建立了生产地基武器的合资企业。Early this year, MDS forged a joint venture with BAE Systems for land-based weaponry.

重视武器装备,是袁世凯军队建设的外在表现形式。It is external manifestation of army construction that he paid attention to weaponry.

朝鲜最近已成为向缅军提供武器装备的主要供应商。North Korea has recently become a major supplier of weaponry to the Burmese military.