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半圆形形状工具。Semicircle shape tool.

这个村庄是由半圆形的茅舍构成的。The village was formed of semicircle huts.

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可是艳阳的时候,南方出现了一个半圆形。But when the sun, the South there is a semicircle.

以环形的半圆,女子的胸部,头发。With the semicircle of wreath form, the chest of woman, hair.

我们把面对面型议员席和半圆型议员席放在同一个空间之内。The opposing benches and the semicircle combined in one space.

没有这半圆的形状的人的健康有营养问题吗?This is not the shape of semicircle of nutritious health problems?

铜夹头采用半圆形或平台形,方便安装工装夹具。Copper chuck using a semicircle shape or platform and easy installation fixture.

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而当我们聚在病床的一边时,我内心深处也在质疑我所说的话。Inside, though, as we gathered in a semicircle around the bed, I doubted my words.

结果表明,主干较矮,树冠为自然半圆头形,冠幅略大于冠厚。Result shows that the trunk was short and the canopy shaped as the natural semicircle.

汽门立刻被关掉了,林肯号从左舷转了一百八十度。The steam was shut off, and the Abraham Lincoln, beating to port, described a semicircle.

我们抬着担架,围着我刚才差一点掉下去的地方绕了大大的半个圆圈。We carried the litter in a wide semicircle around the spot where I had come close to the dropoff.

家具店的所有员工在加内仕。派先生的桌子旁围成一个半圆。All the employees of the furniture shop had gathered in a semicircle around Mr. Ganesh Pai's table.

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经过艰难跋涉,我们来到一块铺满鹅卵石被晒干的凹陷区域,此地除了有一堆粗糙的半圆形玄武岩外,乍看起来毫无特色。We trudged out onto a cobbled, sunbaked pan, featureless but for a rough semicircle of basalt rocks.

它的源头在威尔士中部,以英格兰为中心在左边绕成一个半圆通向布里斯托尔海峡。It rises in central Wales and flows in a semicircle through West Central England to the Bristol Channel.

圆柱特征要有一半圆不可以拆在滑块上,以免粘滑块造成拉白,拉断。The semicircle of cylinder avoids designing on slide block lest it will be pulled apart or cause drag mark.

进入影音展示区,整个空间设置为一个半圆的弧形,并配备180度立体弧幕。The audio display area settled into an arc-shaped semicircle was outfitted by 180-degree 3D arc-shaped screen.

为减少磨损,沸腾炉内蒸发管采用加焊半圆形钢板防磨。Semicircle steel sheets were welded on the wall of evaporation pipes in fluidized bed roaster for anti-abrasion.

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前翅狭长,前缘中央有一白色半圆形斑,翅顶有一暗褐色斜线。Before long, narrow, and the central front wing a white semicircle spot, wing top have a dark brown diagonal lines.

自海洋底部上升的气泡在受到波浪冲击时,扭曲、盘旋成一个半圆形。An air bubble ascending from the ocean floor contorts and twists into a semicircle as a wave breaks in the background.

这导致了泥土阶或石阶的建构,安排观众们面对讲演者坐成一个半圆形。This led to the construction of earthen or stone steps, arranging the audience into a semicircle infront of the speaker.