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他的笔就是人类和各个民族的救世主。Hhe pen is the great liberator of men and nations.

通过他的报纸,解放者,继任呼声裁撤。Through his newspaper the liberator he became the voice of abolition.

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下面这架是世界上仅存的两架还能飞上天的B-24之一。Here's one of only two flyable B-24 Liberator bombers left in the world.

这是一部美国成为友好使者和旧社会解放者的新世界发展史。It is a story of a new world that became a friend and liberator of the old.

“那个毁坏我财物的解放者,”泰勒说,“正为了拯救我的灵魂而战斗。"The liberator who destroys my property, " Tyler said, "is fighting to save my spirit.

但历代文人学士对其语言学方面的研究不够全面。But the historic liberator and scholars didn't have a thorough study on its linguistic features.

他的情报来源告知他他在俄国将作为解放者受到欢迎。His intelligence sources informed him that he would be received by many in Russia as a liberator.

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南美洲卓越但不得志的解放者波利瓦尔最后一段时日。The last months and days of Simon Bolivar, the brilliant and thwarted liberator of South America.

于是游就馆就将日本粉饰成1937-1945年亚洲战争的解放者和与西方交战的受害者。A connected museum paints Japan in its wars of 1937-45 as the liberator of Asia, a victim of Western belligerency.

它的海湾曾回响民族英雄郑成功当年的火炮声,而胡里山炮台的大炮也曾对日本侵略者开火射击。Its bay rumbled with cannon fire of the liberator Zheng Chenggong and the great cannon of Hulishan repelled the Japanese.

眼看著星期五即将流落街头,幸而,一座偏僻的废弃旅馆成为了他们的救星。Was seeing Friday soon wanders about destitute the street corner, fortunately, remote abandoned the hotel to become their liberator.

“你们将会看到,”这个万人迷解放者在革命的开头预言道,“当卡斯特罗掌管一切时,每个人都能够读书,每张餐桌上都将有食物。”“You’ll see,” the would-be liberator predicted at the outset, “when Castro’s running things, everybody will read and have food on the table.”

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查韦斯向卡扎菲授予了委内瑞拉最高国民奖“解放者之令”,另外还赠送了一柄西蒙·玻利瓦尔所用佩剑的复制品。Chávez presented Qaddafi with Venezuela's highest civilian honor -- the order of the liberator -- and gave him a replica of Simon Bolivar's sword.

一年多来,越来越多的B-17“空中堡垒”和B-24“解放者”轰炸机大队投入到对德国本土及被占欧洲德国工业设施的打击之中。For over a year an increasing number of B-17 Fortress and B-24 Liberator groups had waged war on German industry both at home and in occupied Europe.

他说,穆加贝背弃了非洲和津巴布韦人民,也玷污了他作为反抗殖民主义的津巴布韦解放者的荣誉。He said Mr. Mugabe has turned his back on the people of Zimbabwe and on Africa and that he has sullied his legacy as Zimbabwe's liberator from colonialism.

以沈德潜的古诗鉴赏为研究对象,采用文献研究方法,对其古诗鉴赏所采用的评点、分时和分体、总评和分说等鉴赏方式进行探析。This paper adopts the text analysis method to investigate into the appreciation of ancient poems by Shen Deqian, a famous liberator in the early Qing Dynasty.

搭救彭眉胥上校的那位义士竟在干着犯罪的勾当,马吕斯虽然还闹不清楚他打算干的究竟是什么,但却已具有谋财害命的迹象了!That liberator of Colonel Pontmercy was on the point of committing a crime whose scope Marius did not, as yet, clearly comprehend, but which resembled an assassination!

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怀特式的“二重身”给情感和直觉松绑,让读者看到了社会常规、理性抉择之外的天地。Doppelganger works as a liberator of feeling and intuition in White's novels, opening horizons beyond social patterns, rational decisions, and institutionally approved emotions.

这摩西,就是百姓弃绝说,谁立你作我们的首领,和审判官的’,神却借那在荆棘中显现之使者的手,差派他作首领,作救赎的It was this Moses whom they rejected when they said, 'Who made you ruler and judge?' and whom God now sent as both ruler and liberator through the angel who appeared to him in the bush.