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想要找星际迷航的酒瓶眼镜吗?Go for the Star Trek wine glasses.

他想要成为星际争霸战里的寇克舰长。He wanted to be Captain Kirk in Star Trek.

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迪奥普几乎每年都长途跋涉回到老家。Diop has made the trek back almost annually.

这张来自"星际迷航"里很早的一集This is from a very old "Star Trek" Episode.

欢迎参加崔克杯自行车绕圈赛!Please come to Trek Cup-3 Criterium bike race!

贝力弗花了11年来完成了他的长途跋涉。It has taken Jean Beliveau 11 years to make the trek.

我们花了一星期才跋涉到山脚。It took us a week to trek to the foot of the mountain.

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没有人会掉队,尽管整个国家在牛车上缓慢前行。None will break ranks, tough nations trek from progress.

经过驴骡的长途驮运,才到达埋藏地点。Before the burial, there was a long trek by donkey or mule.

你给全家每人都用钩针编织了一个星球大战发报机。You crocheted Star Trek communicators for the whole family.

他的长途跋涉得到了百倍的补偿。His long trek up the hillside had been repaid a hundredfold.

崔克是世界上最大的自行车生产商之一。Trek is one of the biggest bicycle manufacturers in the world.

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几个世纪以来,这种每年两次的艰苦跋涉形成了这里的游牧生活。The twice-yearly trek has shaped nomadic life here for centuries.

再过不到30年“星球旅行”太空平台将成为现实。In less than 30 years time the Star Trek holodeck will be a reality.

这是一场火神星新郎和克林贡族新娘之间的星际迷航婚礼。It’s a Star Trek wedding between a Vulcan groom and a Klingon bride.

选拔营将会在瑞士的前阿尔卑斯山区进行的一个为期两天的徒步旅行活动后结束。The camp will be completed with a two-day trek in the Swiss Pre Alps.

鹿群朝着海边的80英里旅行证明对这只幼鹿太困难了。The herd's 80-mile trek toward the sea proved too hard for this calf.

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每周五,我都要很辛苦地带着奥德丽去住宅区看儿童生活专家。Every Friday, I trek uptown with Audrey to see a child life specialist.

我想去热带丛林中旅行,我喜欢充满刺激的假期。I'd like to trek through the jungle, because I like exciting vacations.

是的,您可以在固定骑行台上用过我们的碳车架的崔克自行车。Yes, you can use a stationary trainer with your carbon framed Trek bike.