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缤纷的爬满了山坡。caper along the hill.

回到我的厨房活动中。Back to my kitchen caper.

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孩子们在院子里兴高采烈地乱蹦乱跳。The children cut a caper in the yard.

在他看来,整个这出闹剧都是不必要的。The whole caper was unnecessary, in his view.

故事的大框架讲述的是一个精心设计的阴谋。The outer shell of the story is an elaborate caper.

你现在是死人啦,老爹,所以现在我想怎么样装蠢你也管不着。And you're a corpse, Father, so I'll caper as I please.

奶油笔尖面配甜虾,西兰花,南瓜及水瓜柳。Cream Penne with Sweet Shrimp, Broccoli, Pumpkin and Caper.

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在色拉上面撒橄榄,续随子和飞达奶酪。Sprinkle sliced olive, caper and feta cheese squares on the top of salad.

一边是绿意盎然,有马槟榔灌木、棕榈树和五彩缤纷的野花。One side is lush, with caper bushes, palm trees, and intensely colored wildflowers.

虚构人物中最著名的兴奋剂使用者之一是伟大的犯罪侦破专家歇洛克·福尔摩斯。One of fiction’s most famous stimulant users is the great caper cracker Sherlock Holmes.

当你有了一个纯白的底色时,你就可以让颜色在上面欢呼雀跃了。When you had impression of a lily-white , you can allow facial expression above cheer caper.

这场大逃亡由18个人运作,他们在监狱外运作了5个月而没有被人发现。The caper involved an 18-man crew working from outside the prison undetected for five months.

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游戏的操作主要是移动,滚动,跳跃,匍匐,攀爬和瞄准。Game's operation is mainly the migration, the trundle, the caper , crawls, climbs up and aims.

那片枯黄的光芒也时常掺杂着几丛刺山柑和甘草的青绿。now and again, too, the crude yellow gleam was broken by a few clumps of caper or of liquorice.

胡闹了一通后,我们浑身脏得一塌糊涂——头发、眼睛、脸颊、脖子上,全是糖浆。What a mess we were in at the end of this caper — hair, eyes, cheeks and neck covered in treacle.

呼吸新鲜的空气,感受跳跃的时光,在这个季节,我知道自己很快就要自由。Breathes the fresh air, feel the caper time. in this season, I knew that very soon i will be free.

她的词在节奏上非常重视节拍,体现出一种灵动跳跃的节奏美。Her word takes the metre in the rhythm, manifests one kind of nimble and resourceful caper rhythm US.

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研究了不同施肥处理对续随子生物产量及经济产量的影响。Effects of different fertilizer treatments on biological and economic yield was preliminary studied in caper spurge.

真爱是跃动的音符,引导迷失的灵魂,谱写出令人赞叹的曲谱。The real love is the caper note, guiding the soul which loses, composes makes the collection of music scores which one acclaims.

这位老乡绅竟然在大厅里手舞足蹈起来,并且还用其他许多滑稽动作来表示他的狂喜。The old gentleman began to caper and dance about his Hall, and by many other antic actions, to express the extravagance of his joy.