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高度近视适宜做较正吗?。Does high myopia do calibration aptly ?

里斯戴维斯恰好翻译了这个词。Rhys Davids has aptly translated the word.

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这是一个“足椅”,取了个很恰当的名字。It is a Foot Chair and has been named aptly so.

这段引用恰当地表达了??的真意。This quotation reflects aptly the true meaning of ?

Martino的研究领域被称为“神经经济学”,可谓名符其实。De Martino's field of study is aptly named neuroeconomics.

惊异于那死寂漠漠被如此恰当的回话打破。Startled at the stillness broken by reply so aptly spoken.

一句话说的合宜,就如金苹果落在银网子�。A word aptly spoken is apples of gold in settings of silver.

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应该更恰当的称为“水煮红辣椒伴牛肉配菜”。It could more aptly be named "water-boiled chilis with beef garnish."

下面那令人赞叹的翠绿色山谷的名字取得很贴切,叫美丽山谷。The breathtaking green valley below was aptly named Beautiful Valley.

柏拉图的阶梯模型恰当地描述了三段论所蕴含的逻辑。The model of Plato's Ladder aptly describes the logic behind the theory.

这座被恰当地命名为小斯凯利格的岛屿似乎被雾霭所笼罩着。The lesser one , aptly named Skellig Small, seemed to be encircled in haze.

也许有人会想他可能就是政治的压路机。One might even perhaps aptly consider that he was steamrollered politically.

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其中许多被贴切地形容为“机关枪点射”。Much of it is what has been aptly described as " machine-gunning with scraps".

这张专辑的名称恰如其分的形容了他的音乐会带给人们的感受。The album's title aptly describes the feeling is music will bring to listener.

在“水”一集中,哪个塞昂破坏了卡拉狄加的水供给?Which Cylon sabotages the Galactica's water supply in the aptly named "Water"?

美联社埃尔金恰当地提到这些人'土着男女的高度。AP Elkin aptly referred to these individuals as 'aboriginal men of high degree.

大烟山,在世间任何地方,命名比它更加贴切者实属凤毛麟角。Few mountains anywhere in the world are more aptly named than the Great Smokies.

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并以250种比喻恰如其分地描述了菩提心的功德。The sutra also lists 250 examples to describe aptly the qualities of bodhichitta.

“鼬鼠型的词语”这个名称取得非常恰当,其典故来源于鼬鼠吃蛋的习惯。The expression "weasel word"is aptly named after the egg-eating habits of weasels.

这个老师留小胡须学生们很贴切的给他起了卓别林的外号。The teacher was aptly nicknamed Chaplin by his students because of his moustachio.