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亚哈死后,摩押背叛以色列。After Ahab's death, Moab rebelled against Israel.

当贵族谋反时,国王便出兵打他们。When the nobles rebelled , the king battled them.

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在中国历史上,农民曾数次造反。In Chinese history peasants rebelled several times.

所罗门的臣仆,尼八的儿子耶罗波安也举手攻击王。Also, Jeroboam son of Nebat rebelled against the king.

她曾反抗刻板的学校生活。She rebelled against the regimentation of school life.

他是一个一贯不服从老师教导的孩子。He was a child who always rebelled against his teachers.

实际上,用户逆反和隐私监察措施使得这成为一团乱麻。In practice, users rebelled and privacy watchdogs cried foul.

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他背叛,不肯事奉亚述王。He rebelled against the king of Assyria and did not serve him.

北方的十个支族拥立了他们自己的国王叫做耶罗波安王。The other Ten tribes rebelled and got themselves another king.

一想到当小学教师她就产生反感。She rebelled at the idea of being a teacher in a primary school.

可是闻道还是坚持要下山,哪怕背叛少林。But to scent still insist on down, even if rebelled against shaolin.

当我最小的女儿开始反叛,我学到的最难的一课。I learned my lesson the hard way, when my younger daughter rebelled.

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许多年前,人类背叛了上帝,结果就是变乱。Centuries ago, mankind rebelled against God. The result was confusion.

面对孔的暴行,温布省人民揭竿而起。The citizens of Umboo province openly rebelled against Koong's outrages.

他尽量轻地把它举起来,因为他那双手痛得不听使唤了。He lifted it as lightly as he could because his hands rebelled at the pain.

当地农民反对政府,打开了闸门,炸毁了渡槽。Local farmers rebelled by opening sluice gates and dynamiting the aqueduct.

当地农民反对政府,打开了闸门,炸毁了渡槽。Local farmers rebelled by opening sluice gates and dynamiting the aqueduct.

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约兰其馀的事、凡他所行的都写在犹大列王记上。In the time of Jehoram, Edom rebelled against Judah and set up its own king.

有一亚美尼亚人,乃哈尔迪塔之子,名曰阿尔哈作乱于巴比伦。A certain man named Arakha, an Armenian, son of Haldita, rebelled in Babylon.

我反对当权者——父母、教师和警察----也就是反对任何有权威的人。I rebelled against authority--parents, teachers, police--anyone in authority.