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最多一条裤褶。One pleat, maximum.

无最大数就是零。Zero if no maximum.

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最大负荷七百三十九磅。Maximum Load 739 lbs.

最大负荷八八四磅。Maximum Load 884 lbs.

最大负荷一千○四十五磅。Maximum Load 1045 lbs.

那最大值呢?What about the maximum?

最大服务请求数。Maximum requests served.

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最大爬坡度。Maximum climbable gradient.

最大输入频率10kHz时。Maximum input frequency 10kHz.

最大的文件尺寸是多少?What is the maximum file size?

工作台的最大回转角度是120度。Maximum swivel of table is l20.

充满质感,1.8升最大容量。Maximum capacity can reach 1.8L.

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船现在的最大吃水是多少?What is her maximum draught now?

我们想要得到最大的乘积。We want the maximum such product.

我们每天最多需要再增加6克。We need an extra 6g a day maximum.

工作台的最大旋转角度是120度。Eg. Maximum swivel of table is l20.

对于宠物的最大连接时间!For maximum bonding time with pets!

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所有的相位器银行最大值生产量,火!All Phaser bank maximum yield, fire!

最大牵引凸耳的大底。Lugged outsole for maximum traction.

最大向后倒车转速是多少?What are maximum revolutions astern?