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两个城镇均有大量塔米尔人口。Both towns have overwhelmingly Tamil populations.

哈萨克斯坦是一个农业国。Kazakhstan had an overwhelmingly agricultural-based economy.

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正是这些评语使我惊诧不已。The comments are overwhelmingly disapprovals to my conclusion.

压倒多数的网民投票支持新的假日政策。Internet users have voted overwhelmingly in favor of new holidays.

我想知道为什么我的房子里都是铺天盖地的绿色。I wanted to know why green is so overwhelmingly popular in my house.

博览会留言簿上的评语绝大多数是好评。Comments logged in the fair's guest book are overwhelmingly positive.

一项研究发现,事实上大多数男士更心仪深色头发的女子。A study found that gentlemen, in fact, overwhelmingly prefer brunettes.

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但是,现在的情况是,他们都非常希望回家,都登记遣返。But, the thing is they overwhelmingly wish to return and are signing up.

取笑可以在极消极的情况下仍传递积极情绪。Teasing can be overwhelmingly negative yet delivered with positive emotion.

犹如茫茫草原中的一朵郁金香,冷艳却又无比芳香。Like the boundless prairie in a tulip, elegant but overwhelmingly fragrance.

所以当我们说到银行,最举足轻重的当属商业银行So when we speak of banks, it is overwhelmingly commercial banks that matter.

梅森以压倒的票数当选他梦寐以求的法官。Mason had been overwhelmingly elected to the judgeship which he had so craved.

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乍看下,答案似乎无疑是明显的,因为要获得更多知识。At first glance this seems to be overwhelmingly obvious -to gain more knowledge.

他还同时压倒性地赢得华盛顿州的初选,获得19个代表席位。He also overwhelmingly won the primary in Washington, with 19 delegates at stake.

在历史上,银行券是占绝对统治地位的票据形式。Historically, the bank note is the overwhelmingly dominant form of warehouse receipt.

聪明的美国年轻人现在多半在一个一面倒的自由派环境中受教育。The smartest young Americans are now educated in an overwhelmingly liberal environment.

与纽黑文相邻的镇名叫东流亡地,绝大多数人都是意大利裔,而附近的奥伦奇则大多为爱尔兰人。East Haven, next door, was overwhelmingly Italian, while nearby Orange was mostly Irish.

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现在,这位前日本外相自己也极有可能担任这个最高职务。Now, the former foreign minister is overwhelmingly likely to assume the top job himself.

激辩的语调明显地支持骆家辉先生的低调之行。The tone of the debate was overwhelmingly in favour of Mr Locke's down-to-earth actions.

因此,尽管有女性的“侵入”,政治依旧几乎全部是男人的游戏。And so, despite great inroads made by women, politics is still overwhelmingly a man’s game.