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足够多的前戏。Provide a lot of foreplay.

所以别再让前戏草草了事了。So don't skim on foreplay.

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把生活看作前戏。Think of life as foreplay.

暂且称之为昆虫式的性前戏吧。Call it the insect version of foreplay.

你们有没有注意到这一节演说是前戏?Did you notice this section is foreplay?

为什么女人在前戏中不眨眼呢?Q. Why don't women blink during foreplay?

但是,这种性前戏可能会使雄性付出一点代价。But foreplay may come with a cost for males.

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我更愿意把它称作外星人的前夕场面。I would call it more of an alien foreplay scene.

毕竟,调笑是前戏必不可少的一部分。After all, teasing is an essential part of foreplay.

我也很开心被安排在“前戏”这一节。And I'm also thrilled to be in the foreplay section.

洗你的搭档的身体就是最棒的前戏。Washing your partner’s body makes for awesome foreplay.

相较于真实的性爱和高潮,很多女性更喜性前戏。Many women even prefer foreplay to actual sex and orgasm.

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前戏对于许多夫妻来说是一个“启动”的过程。Foreplay before lovemaking is a boost up for many couples.

的情况一样,一女,较长的前戏,将有很大的帮助。As in the case of a woman, a longer foreplay will greatly help.

因此,至少对于雄性蜘蛛来说,性前戏不一定总能受益。So, at least for male spiders, foreplay doesn't always pay off.

浴室有对前戏来说真的很棒,而且对后入式也很有帮助。The bath is brilliant for foreplay and great for rear-entry sex.

增加前戏时间,会将你带入绝美无伦的人间天堂。Increasing foreplay time will lead to anticipation of the big event.

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大多数男性不知道在前戏是偶尔说些脏话能够带来前所未有的效果。Most guys do not know how effective dirty talk can be during foreplay.

前戏对于性爱很重要,但又往往被忽视。Foreplay is an essential part of great sex, but too often it is overlooked.

除非有严格的时间限制,前戏绝对不能跳过。Unless there are serious time constraints, foreplay should never be skipped.