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米兰和卡坦尼亚都没有停赛球员。Neither Milan nor Catania have any disqualified players.

在卡塔尼亚发生的事情和足球毫无关系。What happened in Catania has nothing to do with football.

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我对卡塔尼亚的朋友们感到抱歉,因为我们必须取胜。I am sorry for friends of Catania but we have to absolutely win.

我们现在的目标是卡塔尼亚,我们希望拉近积分。We have Catania in our sights and we hope to move closer to them.

我要感谢卡塔尼亚,是他们给了我闪光的机会。I would like to thank Catania as they gave me the chance to shine.

蒂亚戈席尔瓦在对阵卡塔尼亚前及时从大腿伤患中恢复。Thiago Silva recovered from a thigh injury in time to face Catania.

我为周六与卡塔尼亚的比赛做好了准备。I hope to be ready and available for Saturday's game against Catania.

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我将很有可能采取和对阵卡塔尼亚时同样种类的比赛方法。It is possible that I'll field the same sort of system used against Catania.

当我考虑让因扎吉在对卡塔尼亚比赛中上场的时候我的打算就是改变阵型。When I thought of using Inzaghi at Catania my idea was to change the system.

第一部抗震规章于重建卡塔尼亚时实施。The first anti-earthquake regulations were implemented in the rebuilding of Catania.

埃尔坎同样希望尤文图斯在对阵卡塔尼亚的比赛中有出色的表现。Elkann will be hoping Juventus do well against relegation strugglers Catania this weekend.

我坚信是冬歇前主场对卡塔尼亚和乌迪内斯的比赛。I definitely think against Catania at home and the Udinese game just before the winter break.

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卡塔尼亚是一只进攻型球队,球风很开放,但是一切尽在我们掌握中。Catania are an attacking team and play open football but we controlled everything pretty well.

另两位候选人是卡塔尼亚的32岁后卫洛伦佐。斯托维尼和莱切的22岁小将安德雷亚。埃斯波西托。The alternatives are Catania 32 year old Lorenzo Stovini and Lecce 22 year old Andrea Esposito.

卡塔尼亚俱乐部承认利物浦对阿根廷后卫西尔维斯特有兴趣。Catania have claimed that Liverpool are interested in their Argentine defender Matias Silvestre.

尤文图斯希望在这个周末与保级球队卡塔尼亚的比赛中重新回到赢球的轨道。Juventus will hope to return to winning ways against relegation strugglers Catania at the weekend.

CET时间明天下午3点30分,球队将再次训练,备战周日晚与卡塔尼亚的比赛。The team will return to training tomorrow at 3.30pm CET as they prepare for Sunday's game against Catania.

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事实上斑马军团在去年夏天就曾为26岁的洛佩斯报价,但卡塔尼亚方面却回绝了都灵巨人的要求。Juventus bid for the 26-year-old Argentine during the summer only to see Catania discourage their interest.

卡塔尼亚可能对意甲的氛围还有点陌生,但是西西里岛人的心里已经深深的刻上了4-3-3阵容的烙印。Catania may be new to the Serie A scene, but the Sicilians have impressed with their attacking 4-3-3 system.

我们必须让一些球员休息一下,和卡塔尼亚还有拉齐奥的比赛很重要。We have the necessity of resting some players, these games against Catania and Lazio will be very important.