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汽车有灯。A car has lights.

我打开了灯光。I turned on lights.

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灯都亮了。The lights come on.

把灯全关了。All the lights go off.

灯光熄灭了。The lights winked out.

干柴容易点燃。Dry wood lights easily.

我已经把雾灯打开了。I have my fog lights on.

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有些人还挂灯串。Some also string lights.

灯全熄灭了。The lights were all out.

作别香江的云彩。Unless of Lights clouds.

我们怎么调暗灯光呢How do we dim the lights?

灯光照亮着广场。Lights lamped the square.

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灯光照亮著广场。Lights lamped the square.

现在让我们调暗灯光Now, let's dim the lights.

保险丝烧断了,所有的灯都灭了。The lights have all fused.

让我关上灯。Let me turn off the lights.

灯光忽明忽暗。The lights keep flickering.

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他会把你打得昏死过去。He'll punch your lights out.

现在,就让我们调暗灯,仔细地欣赏吧。Let's dim the lights and see.

黑暗中闪烁着灯光。Lights shimmered in the dark.