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我带着花去他家。Voy a su casa con flores.

弗洛雷斯认为,巴西农业在非洲最具投资潜力。Flores sees Brazil's greatest potential in agriculture.

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但这是真的,人们需要跳出惯常思维来看待这件事情,”弗洛雷斯说。But it does. People need to see outside that box, " said Flores.

我们要采购植物,花卉和干花,鲜花,弗洛雷斯。We want to buy Plant, Flowers and Dried Flowers, Flowers, Flores.

何塞弗洛雷斯说,他的孩子喜欢在学校学习美国历史。Jose Flores says his children love to study American history at school.

简而言之,无论以任何标准来衡量,发生在卡拉-弗洛雷斯身上的事情都是令人难以置信的。Put simply, what happened to Karla Flores is incredible by any standards.

沃波夫说,鑑于弗洛瑞斯岛上的重要发现,那些化石值得重新研究。In light of the Flores find, he says, those remains deserve reexamination.

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1928年,弗洛雷斯建立了第一个溜溜球的工厂,大规模生产的玩具在美国加州。In 1928, Flores built the first yo-yo factory, mass producing the toys in California.

一只闪亮的幼年濑鱼栖息在印度尼西亚花岛附近的锚状珊瑚里。Shining bright, a juvenile wrasse takes shelter in anchor coral off Flores Island, Indonesia.

弗洛斯·特罗塞尔称,调查人员在进行搜查前已经获取了法庭的搜查令。The investigators had obtained a judicial order before undertaking the raid, Flores Trossel said.

楼老唐纳德邓肯第一次看到在行动溜溜球左右的时间弗洛雷斯开始举行比赛。Donald F. Duncan Sr. first saw yo-yos in action around the time Flores began to hold competitions.

弗洛瑞斯岛其他的早期动物移民,也许是游泳,或意外地乘坐漂流物到岛上的。The other early fauna on Flores probably got there by swimming or accidentally drifting over on flotsam.

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“国家失踪与受虐儿童援助中心”的失踪儿童记录中,并没有一个名叫阿什利·弗洛丝的女孩。The National Center for Missing &Exploited Children has no report of a missing child named Ashley Flores.

在盐湖城市郊,弗洛雷斯找到了邮差罗恩·林奇,问邮差能否给他一些垃圾邮件。Flores approached his mailman, Ron Lynch, in a Salt Lake City suburb to ask if he could have any junk mail.

亚德莉安娜.托瑞丝—佛洛瑞丝被锁在阿肯色州华盛顿郡立法院的囚室内,而且一直被留置到上周为止。Adriana Torres- Flores was locked in a cell in the Washington County Courthouse, Arkansas, and left until last week.

管状花则分布在内围,花冠多为管状,花冠裂片则呈齿状,通常可结成果实。The disc flores arranged in the inner part of head, has tubular corolla with apical lobes or teeth, can grow fruits.

几周之后,弗洛雷斯接受了授勋,随后与其部队的其他高官一同被解雇了。A few weeks later Mr Flores was decorated—and then sacked, along with almost every other high-ranking member of his force.

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他接着说,另一位渔民把安华带到巴厘岛以东的佛罗里斯岛附近的诊所,但是在到达时安华被诊断死亡。Other fisherman took Anwar to a clinic on nearby Flores Island, east of Bali, but he was declared dead on arrival, he added.

在印尼弗洛雷斯岛外的毛梅雷海湾里,一条有着亮丽的桔黄色条纹的虾虎鱼在一些气泡珊瑚前游动。A goby fish with brilliant orange streaks stands out on a bit of gray bubble coral in Maumere Bay off Indonesia's Flores Island.

同时,他对新研究假设在超过一百万年前弗洛勒斯岛上的石器技术有过细微的改变感到惊愕。He's also dismayed that the new study assumes that stone-tool technology changed little on Flores for more than a million years.